Coordinator: Pablo Pacheco (CIFOR)
Brazil: Frederico Brandão (CIFOR), links with CIRAD and Embrapa Eastern Amazon
Cameroon: Patrice Levang (the French Research Institute for Development [IRD]/CIFOR), Laurene Feintrenie (CIRAD), Raymond Nkongho (University of Montpellier), links with World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), Ministry of Agriculture and the Cameroon Union of Palm Oil Exploiters (UNEXPALM)
Colombia: Alejandra Rueda (NES Naturaleza), Andres Etter (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana), links with the WWF
Indonesia: Krystof Obidzinski (CIFOR), Idsert Jelsma (Utrecht University) and Bayuni Shantiko (CIFOR), links with Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and the WWF
Malaysia: Faisal Noor (independent), links with Sabah Land Development Board (SLDB)
Nigeria: George Schoneveld (CIFOR)
Peru: Ayme Muzo (independent), Jason Donovan (ICRAF) and Valentina Robiglio (ICRAF), links with University of Ucayali
Others: Lesley Potter (the Australian National University [ANU]) and Santi Chintia (CIFOR)