How FTA works

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FTA generates high quality research on gender and social inclusion to inform policy and practice. To do this, FTA:

Conducts research on issues specifically related to gender relations and forests, agroforests and trees
FTA is conducting comparative research on structural causes of gender inequalities in tree-based landscapes, across a range of priority gender, forestry and natural resource management themes;
FTA is improving local women’s and men’s awareness, capacities, and gender equality and social inclusion through innovative action research methodologies. The aim is to enhance women’s participation in decision-making and control over FTA resources and related benefits, at the household and community levels.
FTA is synthesizing findings and developing knowledge hubs for researchers, policymakers and practitioners around priority themes;
Integrates gender analysis and research into each of FTA’s research streams and projects
FTA research teams work with gender specialists to identify and address gender dimensions within larger initiatives focused on tree-seed systems, land and forest restoration, landscape level land-use change, forest-based value chains, and climate change.
Strengthens the capacities of FTA scientists and partners to carry out gender-responsive research and develop gender-responsive policies and processes
FTA’s capacity strengthening efforts focus on equipping scientists and partners with the latest thinking on gender in natural resource management, including engaging with intersectionality, gender transformative approaches, and with young women’s and men’s aspirations, constraints, and opportunities in tree-based landscapes.

Builds and maintains partnerships with relevant stakeholders to feed research findings into national and global policy processes

Monitors and evaluates gender integration in research and action across the FTA portfolio, and its contribution to gender equality and social inclusion outcomes

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