Researchers and practitioners have amply discussed the potential effects of REDD+ on forest-based communities, but less attention has been paid to its gender dimensions. Ensuring that REDD+ helps rather than harms women requires understanding the gendered processes and variation that exist on the ground. The results presented here are based on data from 69 villages in 18 REDD+ sites across five countries (Brazil, Cameroon, Indonesia, Tanzania and Vietnam). This box highlights three findings: that overall, when responses are compared between mixed (male-dominated) and women's groups, the women's groups are less knowledgeable about REDD+ project interventions; that when women are involved, the type of involvement is less substantial than in the mixed groups; and that the women's groups are less knowledgeable even when other key variables suggest that women might participate more fully (see Larson et al. in press).
Larson, A.M.; Dokken, T.; Duchelle, A.E.
climate change, community forestry, decision making, deforestation, emissions, forest management, forests, gender relations, indigenous peoples, social participation, villages, women
Publication type:
Chapter-R, Publication