Opening plenary
Keynote presentation – Quality of research for development – foundations for a high-achieving, impact-focused culture
Holger Meinke -
Introduction to Stream 1 – Inclusive value chains, finance and investments
Michael Allen Brady, Bas Louman -
Introduction to Stream 2: Towards resilient and diverse landscapes and food system
Ramni Jamnadaas and Christopher Kettle -
Introduction to Stream 3: Transforming livelihoods through agro ecological approaches with trees and forests
Fergus Sinclair, Eduardo Somarriba, Yanxia Li -
Introduction to Stream 4: Nature based solutions to address the climate crisis
Christopher Martius, Plinio Sist, Yanxia Li -
Introduction to Stream 5: Inclusive governance for sustainable landscapes
Peter Minang, Anne Larson, Marlène Elias -
Introduction to Stream 6: Designing, implementing and evaluating research for development impact
Brian Belcher and Federica Coccia
Stream sessions
Stream 1: Inclusive value chains, finance and investments
Inclusive business models and value chains
- Introduction and concluding remarks by Bas Louman
Organization for prosperity and resilience. Innovations in smallholder’s forest and farm producer organization (FFPO) business models.
Duncan MacQueen – Keynote presentation -
Oil Palm Agroforestry in the Brazilian Amazon: tailoring production systems and business models to the context of family farmers in Tomé Açu, Pará
A. Miccolis -
Timber value chains and the development of innovative options for smallholders in San Martin, Peru
P. Cronkleton -
Geographical approach to the bamboo value chain analysis, the case of the highlands and the eastern zone of Madagascar
K. Rabariarivelo -
Progress and persistent challenges of inclusive business models: Insights from the cocoa and oil palm value chains in Ghana and Peru
D. Stoian -
Towards an hybridization of the cocoa sector governance in Cameroon to meet economic and environmental sustainability
G. Lescuyer -
Improving smallholder inclusiveness in palm oil production – a global review
R. Jezeer
Reducing barriers to inclusive landscape finance
- Introduction and concluding remarks by Michael Brady
Challenges of unlocking capital for women, disadvantaged communities and the environment in innovative and effective ways
Durreen Shahnaz – keynote presentation -
Innovative finance for sustainable landscapes
B. Louman -
Increase oil palm inclusiveness for landless and women through agroforestry
M. Slingerland -
Do men and women Speak with One Voice? Gender Preferences and Challenges of Tree-based Value Chains for Land Restoration in Africa
A. Arinloye/S.Chomba -
Mapping the gendered impact pathways of Fairtrade coffee: Case studies from Guatemala, Indonesia and Kenya
E. Gallagher -
Continuity and change in the governance of the shea value chain in Burkina Faso, 1890 – 2019
A. Wardell -
A feasibility study in sustainable financing for protected landscapes in Indonesia
B. Leimona
Additional resources
Sustaining palm oil: Social footprinting of informal and formal market value chains
Markus Ihalainen -
Rattan value chain analysis in Cameroon
Rene Kaam -
Is there a perfect model to promote the integration of smallholders in agricultural value chains?: Preliminary insights for the Brazilian Amazon
Laís Victória Ferreira de Sousa -
Native Peruvian fine flavor cacao market segmentation based on buyers and farmers typologies
Gesabel Villar -
De-risking investments in sustainable land use systems: Matching risk perspectives of smallholders and SMEs with that of investors
Bas Louman
Stream 2: Towards resilient and diverse landscapes and food system
Scaling efficient biodiversity based solutions to restoration
- Introduction by Ramni Jamnadass
- Concluding remarks by Chris Kettle
Improving outcomes of initiatives to restore tree cover
Karen Holl - Keynote presentation -
Forests sustaining agriculture: A new development paradigm for conservation and food production?
T. Sunderland -
How important are wild fruits for healthy diets in Zambia?
A. Ickowitz -
Within species variability in nutrient composition of Parkia biglobosa pulp and seeds from three agro-ecological zones in Burkina Faso
B. Vinceti -
Lifting the buzz out of provisioning pollination services
S. Krishnan / G. Guerra -
Empower smallholders to increase sustainability and productivity of agroforestry landscapes in Africa
J-P. Barnekow Lillesø -
Contributions of biodiversity to the sustainable intensification of food production
I .Dawson
Innovations to enhance delivery of biodiversity based solutions
- Introduction by Chris Kettle
- Concluding remarks by Ramni Jamnadass
Reforestation may not be a cheap fix for climate change
Lian Pin Koh – Keynote presentation -
Exploring genetic effects of forest degradation on the Brazil-nut socio-ecological system in Madre di Dios, Peru
F. Chiriboga-Arroyo -
High resolution species distribution modelling across Africa: Atlases and decision-support tools to select suitable species and their seed sources for 150+ priority tree species
R. Kindt -
Development of novel field and genomics resources for diversifying food systems
P. Hendre -
Unexplored potential for the conservation of tree genetic diversity in large African cities
Duminil -
Use of direct seeding technique for enhancing parkland tree density and species diversity in Mali agroforestry parkland systems
C. Ky-Dembele -
Diversity For Restoration: a climate-smart and scalable decision support tool for species selection and seed sourcing contributing to long-term restoration success
T. Fremout
Additional resources
Cadmium in cacao in Peru: A country baseline and mitigation options
Rachel Atkinson -
Breeding seedling orchard (BSO) in the context of the national tree seed program in Ethiopia
Soren Moestrup(b,c) -
Outcomes and impact of applying diverse productive tree portfolios for different functional uses in landscape restoration
Lars Graudal(a,b) -
National target or local needs? Exploring development strategy in South Sumatra landscape
Isnurdiansyah -
Contrasting patterns of bird and bat diversity in cacao agroforests inside tropical dry forest
Carolina Ocampo-Ariza -
What is the sacrificial lamb in using economic incentives for restoration?
Sammy Carsan -
Using species life-history traits to improve management of tropical tree genetic resources
Tania Kanchanarak -
Climate change impact on cultivated and wild cacao in Peru and the search of climate tolerant genotypes
Viviana Ceccarelli -
Investing in genetic diversity during landscape restoration reduces overall costs: What are the costs of integrating genetic diversity into FLR?
Danny Nef -
Species choice in ecological restoration: Are we getting it right?
Alice Muchugi -
Ecosystems services from bamboo and other land uses in the Colombian coffee region
Juan Carlos Camargo García -
The role of School Gardens as conservation networks for tree genetic resources
Francesca Grazioli -
Enhancing Vietnam’s NDC with mitigation targets for agroforestry
Rachmat Mulia
Stream 3: Transforming livelihoods through agroecological approaches with trees
Transforming livelihoods: Incremental transitions
- Introduction by Fergus Sinclair
- Concluding remarks by Michael Quin Patton
The human-nature connection
Michael Quinn Patton, keynote -
Principles for R and D supporting forests, trees and agriculture
R. Coe -
Employing a farmer-centered approach to scale land restoration in East Africa and the Sahel: Understanding what works where and for whom using planned comparisons
Leigh Ann Winowiecki -
Innovations in agroforestry extension: Scaling-out the adoption of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) domestication in Indonesia
Endri Martini -
Summary of all contributions: Incremental agro-ecological transitions with trees
Eduardo Somarriba
Transforming livelihoods: Towards transformation
- Introduction by Fergus Sinclair
- Concluding remarks by Rachel Bezner Kerr
Transforming Livelihoods through agroecology: Towards transformation
Rachel Bezner Kerr, keynote -
Agroforestry Concessions in Peru – Effective compliance comparisons
V. Robiglio -
What can doughnuts tell us about the value of forests and trees?
Todd S. Rosenstock -
Green Growth plan and strategies for a pristine and indigenous landscape of Papua, Indonesia
Dayu Soraya -
Agroforestry systems as a pathway to smallholder livelihoods in Tomé Açu, Pará, Brazil: lessons for scaling oil palm agroforestry
Daniel Palma Perez Braga -
Summary of all contributions: Towards transformation
Yanxia Li
Additional resources
Agroforestry for sustainable cocoa production in the forest-savannah transition zone in Cameroon
HARMAND Jean-Michel -
Soil and groundwater recharge or surface runoff?: Landscape-scale assessments of soil infiltrability across the global tropics
Aida Bargués Tobella -
Factors influencing on-farm tree seedling survival across various contexts in the eastern drylands of Kenya
Christine Magaju, World Agroforestry -
The Software ShadeMotion: From analytic geometry to shade canopy design in agroforestry systems
Eduardo Somarriba -
Young shade tree provision of ecosystem services: First lessons from a large scale conversion from coffee monoculture to agroforestry in Yunnan Province, China
Clément RIGAL -
Local agroforestry knowledge and development of an online decision-support tool ( for selection of trees to be associated to coffee in South-East Asia and beyond
Nguyen Mai Phuong -
Participatory development of agroforestry practices in Northwest Vietnam: using quantitative and qualitative data for evaluation and design improvement
Hung Do -
Climate Vulnerability Assessment in A Dynamic Landscape of West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
Endri Martini -
Integrating local livelihoods in peatland ecological restoration: Case in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Endri Martini -
Disruptive use of earth observation and machine learning to quantify and monitor regreening efforts and change in land health at scale
Tor-Gunnar Vågen -
A landscape typology of paddy cultivation for robust targeting and upscaling: an action-research in the downstream of Rejoso Watershed, Indonesia
Ni'matul Khasanah -
Agroforestry systems as a pathway to smallholder livelihoods in Tomé Açu, Pará, Brazil: lessons for scaling oil palm agroforestry
Daniel Palma Perez Braga -
Rubber Agroforestry systems in Indonesia, Kalimantan: 1994-2019 the evolution
E Penot, CIRAD-UMR Innovation -
Community-based land restoration for economic development in degraded drylands of Sumba, Indonesia
Gerhard Eli Sabastian -
The hidden potential of agroforestal systems in the Coca leaves production areas of Chapare, Plurinational State of Bolivia
Eduardo Lopez Rosse A. -
Outcome of agroforestry and its contribution to the household economy of upland farmers in Northwest Vietnam
Nguyen La -
An example of how bamboo contributes to a circular economy in rural China
Yanxia Li
Stream 4: Nature-based solutions to address the climate crisis
Nature-based solutions – opportunities and constraints
- Introduction and concluding remarks by Christopher Martius
Restoration – what is needed to scale it up?
- Introduction and concluding remarks by Plinio Sist
The potential of mixed plantations: Lessons from Latin America
A. López-Samson – keynote presentation -
Establishment of rattan plantations
R. Kaam -
Climate change mitigation potential of implementing sustainable management for bamboo forests in Kenya
M. Muga -
Sustainable tree crops plantation planning in Berau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Arga Pandiwijaya
Resilience – how can it be measured and strengthened?
- Introduction and concluding remarks by Houria Djoudi
Houria Djoudi -
Ecosystem-based adaptation options as nature-based solutions to climate change and variability: Practical insights
L Duguma – keynote presentation -
Evaluating the impacts of different types of REDD+ interventions on forests and people
A. Duchelle -
Assessing the impacts of on-farm land restoration practices on gender roles and relations in the drylands of Kenya: Risks and opportunities for gender equality
M. Crossland
Bioenergy – trees and bamboo as sustainable energy providers
- Introduction and concluding remarks by Yanxia Li
Carbon sequestration and carbon emissions reduction through bamboo forests and products
T. T. Long – keynote presentation -
Scalable solutions for carbon neutrality in woodfuel systems in sub-Saharan Africa
M. Njenga -
Biochar production and use provides multiple benefits for smallholder agroecosystems
C. Sundberg
Additional resources
Nutritional analysis of bamboo shoots from selected bamboo species from Kenya
Violet A. Oriwo -
Nature-based solutions require adaptive capacity: A case study of the climate vulnerability of Asian tree species
Riina Jalonen -
Active restoration in secondary and degraded tropical forests (SDFs) as a NBS to answer the global wood demand: Results from case studies in Central America
Ngo Bieng Marie Ange -
Bamboo’s potential to substitute for plastic
Yanxia Li -
The decision context for nature-based solutions in a Peruvian watershed: Adaptation in people’s mind and on the ground
Bruno Locatelli -
Nutritional analysis of bamboo shoots from selected bamboo species from Kenya
Violet A. Oriwo -
Restoring degraded land for boenergy: as cross-cutting element for landscape sustainability
Himlal Baral -
The need for better ecosystem management to secure Africa’s current and future energy needs
Lalisa Duguma -
Can REDD+ reinforce law enforcement? Evaluating the local impacts of an incipient initiative in Madre de Dios, Peru
Montoya-Zumaeta, Javier G. -
Learning lessons from a REDD+ initiative: Assessing the implementation process, forest and community outcomes, and impacts on local households in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Vivi Selviana -
Potential of tree crop commodities as a bioenergy source: Tree commodities as a sustainable bioenergy source
Serge Mandiefe Piabuo -
Bamboo Pellets for sustainable bioenergy production: Potential in Ghana
Ernest Nti Acheampong -
Bamboo as substitute feedstock for charcoal production in Africa: The Case of Ghana
Ernest Nti Acheampong -
Bamboo, a sustainable biomass energy for Africa
Jinhe Fu -
Bamboo agroforestry as a land use option for household energy needs and food security in Ghana
Michael Yaw Kwaku -
Phylogenetics study of Ethiopian indigenous and introduced bamboo species based on ISSR markers:
Oumer A. (PhD)
Stream 5: Inclusive governance for sustainable landscapes
Participatory processes in landscape governance and management
- Introduction and concluding remarks by Anne Larson
The political construction of accountability keywords
Jonathan Fox, keynote -
Participation in a state of (climate) urgency: Lessons from a comparative study of multistakeholder forums
J. P. Sarmiento Barletti -
The politics of Payment for Forest Environmental Services refusal in Vietnam
P. T. Thuy -
Participatory use of a tool to assess policy and governance conditions
S. Peteru -
Operationalizing the landscape approach in Indonesia: Landscape governance in fostering an integrated landscape management approach
A. S. Adiwinata -
Unpacking ‘gender’ in joint forest management: Lessons from Karnataka, India
Marlène Elias
Land and forest tenure: implications for sustainable management and inclusion
- Introduction and concluding remarks by Marlène Elias
- Reactions by Johnathan Fox
Comparing property rights regimes to understand livestock management decisions on degraded forest margins in Western Kenya
D. Ombogoh -
Gender-responsive forest tenure reforms? Lessons from Indonesia, Peru and Uganda
I. Monterroso Ibarra -
In the face of persistent challenges, would Ethiopia achieve its FLR target by 2030?
H. Kassa -
Participation for inclusive and sustainable landscapes, or why achieving more equitable and resilient multi-stakeholder forums requires reflexive and adaptive learning
A. Larson -
Gender-responsive forest tenure reforms?: Lessons from Indonesia, Peru and Uganda
Iliana Monterroso Ibarra
Landscape and jurisdictional approaches for governance and sustainability
- Introduction by Peter Minang
A tentative causal chain to assess the effectiveness of jurisdictional approaches to reduced deforestation
C. Chervier -
The polity behind state-level policies to reduce deforestation: The case of Pará in the Brazilian Amazon
F. Brandão -
Empowering Local Governments for Low Carbon Development Planning in Indonesia
A. Nugraha -
Analysis of governance in urban wetlands: A case study on the Las Piñas – Parañaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area (LPPCHEA), Metro Manila, Philippines
V. Mercado -
Landscape democracy and sustainable land restoration: Evidence from Shinyanga, Tanzania
Judith Nzyoka
Additional resources
Operationalizing the landscape approach in Indonesia: Landscape governance in fostering an integrated landscape management approach
Ani Adiwinata -
Unpacking ‘gender’ in joint forest management: Lessons from Karnataka, India
Marlène Elias -
Would Ethiopia achieve its FLR target by 2030?: Persisting challenges to state-led FLR initiatives with emphasis on tenure
Habtemariam Kassa -
Participation for inclusive and sustainable landscapes, or: Why achieving more equitable and resilient multi-stakeholder forums (MSFs) requires reflexive and adaptive learning
Anne M Larson -
The contribution of Community Forestry to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Case of community forest concessions in the Maya Biosphere Reserve,Petén, Guatemala
Is there a need to consider policy implementation theory in landscape and jurisdictional governance debates?: Preliminary insights from an implementation assessment of 11 initiatives in the Brazilian Amazon
Frederico Brandão -
One map initiative to support land-use and development planning in Papua and South Sumatra, Indonesia
Muhammad Thoha Zulkarnain -
Analysis of Urban Wetland Governance: A case study on the Las Piñas – ParañaqueCritical Habitat and Ecotourism Area (LPPCHEA), Philippines
Achieving Green Growth (GG) through inclusive and evidence-based planning as Jurisdictional-Landscape Approach
Feri Johana
Stream 6: Designing, implementing and evaluating research for development impact
Assessing FTA research – methods and lessons
- Introduction and concluding remarks by Brian Belcher
Evaluating the Restoration of the Commons – A quasi-experimental impact assessment of a large-scale land restoration initiative in India founded on the tenets of local collective action and property rights
K. Hughes -
Assessing the effectiveness of FTA research on the oil palm sector
R. Davel -
Assessing progress towards realizing FTA’s collective end-of-program outcomes and estimating potential impacts
J. C. Rouge -
Introduction to assessing FTA research – methods and lessons
Brian Belcher
Quality of research for development (QoR4D) and scaling concepts and approaches
- Introduction and concluding remarks by Federica Coccia