Indonesia is one of several countries in the world leading the way in the design and implementation of REDD+ (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). It is currently in the second phase of implementing policy reforms and REDD+ pilots and transitioning towards the third phase of performance-based payments. During this third phase, REDD+ policies and activities will be fully implemented, carbon stocks will be measured and verified and payments will be distributed based on performance at different levels. REDD+ implementation is closely observed by multiple stakeholders; and guidelines for REDD+ safeguards are now available. Yet there continues to be a growing concern globally that if REDD+ is not implemented in a socially sensitive manner, it may risk reinforcing the societal and institutional structures that are already marginalizing women. Indonesia, like many other countries, is prone to these gendered risks given the historically entrenched male-dominated nature of the forestry sector coupled with growing commercial pressures on forest land, embedded social and cultural norms and religious interpretations that may exacerbate gender inequalities in rural communities. The growing calls for "mainstreaming gender in REDD+" in Indonesia are for activities to "do no harm" to women, and to benefit both women and men in an equitable manner. This policy brief, prepared jointly by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, provides considerations for mainstreaming gender concerns into REDD+ and the forestry sector in Indonesia.
Arwida, S.D.; Maharani, C.; Sijapati Basnett, B.; Yang, A.L.; Resosudarmo. I.A.P.; Wong, G.; Brockhaus, M.; Madhavan, P.
gender, forestry
Publication type:
Factsheet, Publication