The development of industrial forestry plantations in Indonesia has been hampered by prolonged social conflicts over forest resources since the mid-1980s. The community-company partnership scheme, such as the one implemented by Finnantara Intiga (FI), is considered an important strategy for involving the surrounding communities directly in developing industrial forestry plantations. The main benefits from this partnership for communities include the recognition of their rights inside concession areas. Company has also been benefiting from having a secure wood supply for the processing industry. Nevertheless, challenges remain to implementing this scheme, the most important of which is achieving a balance between social and economic objectives by revitalising the existing social capital through having an established good relationship with the community. Risky implementation of partnership scheme in developing oil palm plantations supports the option for community to involve more in partnership scheme in developing industrial forestry plantation. Communities engaged in the oil palm plantation partnership scheme have experienced inevitable option for have to give away some partial of their lands to the oil palm company
Nawir, A.A.
Publication type:
Journal Article, Non-ISI, Publication