Who enjoys smallholder-generated carbon benefits?

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Climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices that contribute to mitigation and provide adaptation measures to climate change are often mainstreamed into the agricultural development agenda. This happens regardless of incentives, since CSA practices are meant to enhance the sustainability and efficiency of smallholder agriculture. Revenue from selling environmental services such as reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon sequestration (in short: carbon) can diversify incomes and contribute to the resilience of smallholder livelihoods. Crucial to this happening is the development of the carbon market and the future demand and price of these credits.
Authors: Öborn, I.; Wekesa, A.; Natongo, P.; Kiguli, L.; Wachiye, E.W.; Musee, C.; Kuyah, S.; Neves, B.
Subjects: ecosystem services, incentive
Publication type: Chapter-R, Publication
Year: 2017

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