Genetic diversity in seedling populations of Mango

The genetic improvement of mango (Mangifera indica L.), a native of India, has been largely through selection among seedling populations or propagating elite clones and such efforts have resulted in the identification and cultivation of improved commercial varieties. Development of better cultivars by traditional method using morphological traits, although highly heritable, is slow because of long juvenility and being expensive. Farmers of Pusa, Bihar have been conserving high levels of intraspecific diversity of mango in old orchards mostly located along the Gandak River. These orchards are often poorly maintained as revenues obtained are small compared to income from other farm activities; however these old orchards harbour a highly diverse population of traditional mango varieties and seedlings, with trees over 80 years old. Hence a survey was conducted in five communities for documenting the mango diversity found in native landraces. Sixteen superior mango varieties of endemic value and importance were evaluated for table, sucking and pickling purposes on the basis of physical appearance and chemical attributes. Out of these, six were found suitable for table, five for sucking, three for pickle and two for dual purpose (sucking and table). Studies revealed a clone from Bhuskaul community with fruit weight up to 420.0 g with TSS 27.400B and having very thin stone and maturing by the end of August. The present study highlights the need for and demands of diversity rich areas of Pusa community in Bihar to conserve and protect seedling mangoes for the benefit of posterity with high value traits for future promotion. Furthermore, the characterization work was captured in fruit catalogues and shared back with the farming community, which might have increased the awareness, interest and appreciation of the available mango diversity and the interest in the continuation of these old highly diverse mango orchards for home use and to explore the commercial potential of these orchards and various types.
Authors: Kumar, S.S.; Awtar, S.; Vishal, N.; Parthasarathy, V.A.; Sthapit, B.; Vinoth, S.
Subjects: biodiversity
Publication type: Journal Article, Non-ISI, Publication
Year: 2015
ISSN: 0971-8184

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