Past Events
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Asia-Pacific Forest Sector Outlook: Roadmaps for primary forest conservation and innovative forest technologies
Promoting green economy growth in natural rubber systems and beyond
Youth proposals for innovative technologies in the Asia-Pacific forestry sector
Research for a green, healthy and resilient future with forests and trees
The Economics of Ecosystem Restoration (TEER) initiative
Building forward better: Pathways to resilience
CGIAR COVID-19 Hub – pathways to resilience – WG4 final event – programmeDownload Register Provisional agenda 1400 to 1410 Opening, setting the stage 1400 Opening by Vincent Gitz Director, CGIAR Research program on Forests, Trees andAgroforestry (FTA), and coordinator of the CGIAR COVID-19 Hub Working Group on Addressing Food Systems’ Fragilities and Building Back Better. […]
Final FTA Event: 10 years of FTA research for people and the planet
Book your calendars! We are happy to invite you to FTA’s final event, to be held on the 9th of December on Zoom, 1-4pm CET. The occasion is unique: we will be wrapping up 10 years of research and presenting our newly launched series “FTA Highlights of a Decade” as well as some pioneering integrated […]
FTA at GLF – Innovative forestry for a sustainable future
Youth Contributions at GLF Glasgow! This event is part of the preparation by FAO and FTA of a roadmap on innovative technologies for sustainable forestry. According to the Third Asia-Pacific Forest Sector Outlook Study (FAO, 2019), the uptake and scaling-up of innovative forest technologies in the Asia-Pacific region has been slow and uneven. Young people […]
From a decade of research to a decade of impact!
Presenting the FTA Highlights at GLF Glasgow The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry is wrapping-up a decade of research 2011-2021, and looking for the future. This means both looking at new research and new knowledge needed, but also how to bring it to action on the ground. This also requires new partnerships. […]
Research Agroecology: Current strength and innovative future for sustainable food systems
On 27 October at 12:00-14:00 UTC (14:00-16.00 CEST), the Agroecology TPP is hosting an online event on Research on Agroecology: Current strengths and innovative futures for sustainable food systems. This event is free and is open to everyone to attend online – feel free to register! The topic of agroecological transformation of agrifood systems and its link to […]
Million voices initiative
The transformative partnership platform on agroecology (TPP) wishes to launch a bold citizen science campaign to involve smallholder farmers, farm workers and food consumers in generating knowledge to accelerate and document agroecological transitions. This has an initial 18 month time frame supported by SDC, starting with a launch at a UNFSS side event on 24th […]
What does “bioeconomy” mean?
Title EN – What does “bioeconomy” mean? ES – ¿Qué significa “bioeconomía”? PT – O que significa Bioeconomia? Short descriptions EN – In this session, we invite voices from across the Amazonian region to reflect with us, including representatives from Indigenous communities, youth, entrepreneurs, academics and policymakers. Is there in fact one Amazonian […]
The transition to deforestation-free family farming in the Amazon as a strategy to reduce deforestation: the case of Peru
Ref person: Valentina Robiglio Titles EN – The transition to deforestation-free family farming in the Amazon as a strategy to reduce deforestation: the case of Peru ES – Transición hacia la agricultura familiar libre de deforestación en la Amazonía como estrategia para reducir la deforestación: el caso de Perú PT – A transição para uma […]
Facilitating spaces for women’s conservation organizations: Women’s solutions from the Amazon
This session reports preliminary lessons learned from gender inclusive initiatives that have increased women’s participation in conservation and development in the Brazilian, Colombian and Peruvian Amazon. These cases cover a diverse collection of indigenous, Afro-descendant and peasant women from across the region. The session will facilitate a discussion of findings from multiple grassroots efforts where […]
Farming with Trees: learning among Brazilian and Peruvian agroforestry farmers 21 September 2021 Time 16h30-18h00 UTC 13h30-15h00 BRT (Brasilia, UTC-3) 12h30-14h00 AMT (Manaus, UTC-4) 18h30-20h00 CEST The transition to deforestation-free family farming in the Amazon as a strategy to reduce deforestation: the case of Peru 22 September 2021 Time 12h30-14h00 UTC 09h30-11h00 BRT (Brasilia, […]
Farming with trees: learning among Brazilian and Peruvian agroforestry farmers
Ref person: Andrew Miccolis Title EN – Farming with trees: learning among Brazilian and Peruvian agroforestry farmers ES – Cultivar con árboles: aprendizaje entre agricultores agroforestales brasileños y peruanos PT – Cultivar com Árvores: aprendizado entre agricultores agroflorestais brasileiros e peruanos Short descriptions EN – This session will draw from farmers’ experience on practical solutions […]
Strengthening cooperation between forest ecosystem monitoring sites in Latin America and the international network Tropical managed Forest Observatory (TmFO) to promote sustainable management through nature-based solutions
FTA-CATIE-CIRAD joint workshop on “Strengthening cooperation between forest ecosystem monitoring sites in Latin America and the international network Tropical managed Forest Observatory (TmFO) to promote sustainable management through nature-based solutions” The workshop will be broadcast live on CATIE’s Facebook page! Download the pdf for more details on the agenda »
Webinar FTA Covid 19 Rapid Research Response:
presentation of the results of FTA studies
Draft Agenda Opening by FTA Director and setting background for the webinar, Vincent Gitz, 5’ Covid Studies Presentations and discussions (8’ presentation for each study, 10 mins of discussion after 2 studies are presented) Study 1: A Perfect Storm – Impacts of Insecurity and COVID-19 on shea supply chains in Burkina Faso, Andrew Wardell, […]
Food. Nature. People
Our world is in crisis And the evidence is clear: humans are the cause. From climate change to biodiversity loss, to land degradation and inequalities, our actions are putting life on earth at risk. Yet the good news is this: since humans are the cause, then surely we can fix it. Just how we’ll […]
Developing smallholder-oriented integrated pest management strategies for fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith) management
Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith) is an invasive pest native to the Americas that was first detected in West Africa in 2016, and has since spread rapidly across Africa and Asia. Fall armyworm can feed on at least 350 plant species but has a preference for cereals, such as maize and rice and hence is a threat to […]
UNFSS Pre-Summit Affiliated Session – Strengthening food systems transformation through agroecology
Join us in this interactive session to call for food systems transformation through agroecology! What?: Strengthening food systems transformation through #agroecologyworks – Affiliated Session of the UNFSS Pre-Summit When?: Tuesday, 27 July 2021, 19:30-20:20 CEST / 13:30-14:20 EDT Why should you join this event? Learn from dedicated farmers, governmental representatives and financial supporters how agroecology works […]
Policies for Agroecology: a virtual event
SAVE THE DATE: 15 July, 14:00 CEST Brochure Sri Lanka just banned all imports of artificial fertilizers and agrochemicals — a bold move to begin their #transition toward a healthy, agroecological #foodsystem. Want to learn more about what countries are doing to scale up #agroecology over the next decade? Join the Transformative Partnership Platform (TPP) […]
Forests, trees and agroforestry for diverse sustainable landscapes
Forests, trees and agroforestry are key components of ecosystems. They exemplify the contributions of biodiversity to sustainable and resilient landscapes, green circular economy and to sustainable agriculture and food systems for healthy diets. The event will focus on these contributions, aiming to gather evidence that will ground the design of concrete options that can contribute […]
World Rubber Summit 2021
About Event The International Rubber Study Group (IRSG), in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Government of Cote d’Ivoire, will organise the World Rubber Summit (WRS) 2021, to be held as a virtual event. The World Rubber Summit (WRS) is an unique and exclusive opportunity for the global rubber industry […]
Agroecology TPP at CFS48
Addressing knowledge and implementation gaps on agroecological transitions: a way forward for research and development through the Transformative Partnership Platform Side event at the 48th Plenary of the Committee on Food Security (CFS) Thursday 3 June 2021 | 14:00-15:30 CEST • REGISTER HERE • This CFS side event will launch the Agroecology Transformative Partnership Platform […]
GLF Africa: Restoring Africa’s Drylands: Accelerating Action On the Ground
On 2-3 June 2021, GLF will host the first-ever digital conference focused entirely on Africa’s drylands and how integrative restoration practices can see them flourish once again. Join in for inspiring speakers, the latest science, concerts, film screenings, virtual tours, networking, and the unexpected discoveries that always form part of a Global Landscapes Forum event. […]
1er congreso virtual Latinoamericano IASC: El Futuro de los Bienes Comunes en América Latina
Un equipo de CIFOR participa desde este lunes en el Primer Congreso Virtual del capítulo para América Latina de la IASC. Los invitamos a acompañarnos o a compartir esta información con quien pudiera interesarle. 31 de mayo – Evento de lanzamiento: Enfoques y herramientas para promover la igualdad de género en la gobernanza de los […]
7th EbA Knowledge Day
Guyana’s lanscapes and images. Photo by Manuel Lopez/CIFORThe 7th EbA Knowledge Day, entitled Overcoming Barriers to Adaptation: Employing Innovative EbA Approaches to Upscale NbS, will take place on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 from 15:00-19:00 CEST / 09:00-13:00 EDT. The official registration deadline is Tuesday, 18 May 2021 at 23:59 CEST / 17:59 EDT. The registration […]
Webinar: Potencial de los bosques secundarios
Viernes: 26 Marzo – 09:30 a.m Enlace a evento ID de reunión: 957 6905 2119 Codigo: 852154
Nature at the heart of a global circular bioeconomy
On March 19, FTA together with the European Forest Institute (EFI), the recently-merged Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and World Agroforestry (ICRAF) and the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, in collaboration with the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) and the Sustainable Markets Initiative Circular Bioeconomy Alliance (SMI CBA), will host the world’s first conference examining the forest-based bioeconomy with a focus on the Global South. This […]
SDG Talks International Women’s Day – CIFOR and UNDP Launch Report!
The Sustainable Development Financing (SDF) Program of UNDP Indonesia since 2016 has supported the Government of Indonesia to integrate climate change management into the planning and budgeting process by promoting gender equality, transparency, and principles based on participation and poverty reduction. In 2020, the SDF Program in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and the […]
Webinar: Innovative applications of rattans and the economic potential of the rattan sector
09:00 GMT
Building back better and greener with agroecology
Agroecological approaches are increasingly seen as being able to make a key contribution to mainstreaming biodiversity in agriculture, transitioning to sustainable and resilient agricultural and food systems and building back better and greener. These approaches transform agriculture through a diversity of pathways, from different starting points, in a variety of contexts, but their adoption is […]
Forest tenure pathways to gender equality: A practitioner’s guide
REGISTER HERE * * Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email from “IFPRI Events” with the unique link to join the webinar on the day of the event. You will also be able to save it as a Calendar item. There is no one single approach to reforming forest tenure practices for achieving gender equality […]
Land use and the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
Land use and the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture, 28 Jan 2021 Presentation of the FAO CGIAR joint publication on ‘Land use and the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture | 28 Jan 2021 | 09:00-10:00 (CET) and 16:00-17.00 (CET) (the webinar will be conducted twice to allow participants from different time zones to attend) Moderator: […]
From Science to Action Webinar Series
#1 Innovations to overcome barriers to access to finance for smallholders, SMEs and women
–> REGISTER HERE <– As a follow up from the FTA 2020 Science Conference, FTA and its managing partners are now developing a series of open webinars, extracting the highlights from the conference and bringing them to the public. The aim is to inform and support concrete action on the ground with a focus on […]
Wildfire management, emissions and NDCs in the dry tropics
Wildfires burning across the globe, responsible for carbon emissions equivalent to almost half of annual greenhouse gas output in the United States, have triggered concerns about human health and safety, ecosystem stability and the future of life on earth. Against the backdrop of accelerating climate change, there has been an increase in areas at risk […]
Digital and financial innovations for climate change adaptation and mitigation in NR systems
The International Rubber Study Group (IRSG) is organizing with the CGIAR research program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) led by CIFOR, a webinar on ‘Digital and Financial Innovations for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in NR Systems’. Natural rubber consumption and production is impacted by climate change. With no doubt the physical impacts of climate […]
Mainstreaming biodiversity in the forest sector
An event co-hosted by FTA and FAO Biodiversity is already a well-recognized element of sustainable forest management (SFM). The role of forests in maintaining biodiversity is also explicitly recognized by the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030. The purpose of this session is to discuss the state of mainstreaming biodiversity in the forest sector, take […]
Transforming REDD+ in Indonesia
Background and objectives Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+) is enshrined in the Paris Agreement and has been adopted by many countries as a way to promote climate and development benefits from forests. After ten years of experimentation, the novel feature of REDD+ – the prospect of […]
FTA 2020 Science Conference Forest, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change
This is an internal FTA conference on invitation for researchers participating in the FTA program, either working for/with an FTA managing partner (BIOVERSITY, CIFOR, CATIE, CIRAD, ICRAF, INBAR, TBI) or as co-authors of abstracts submitted to the event and for keynotes/invited speakers. Download the SHORT agenda in pdf or the FULL agenda in pdf Vancouver […]
Exploring Criteria and Indicators for Tropical Peatland Restoration
Indonesian peatlands, including peat swamp forests, comprise 36% of the world’s tropical peatlands. As one of the largest tropical peatlands, Indonesian peatlands provide numerous ecosystem services, including their ability to slowly sequester and store carbon. Despite their important benefits, Indonesian peatlands have faced deforestation and drainage since the 1980s, mainly for forestry and agriculture purposes. […]
Natural Rubber Systems and Climate Change
Open Digital Workshop 23-25 June 2020 – 6:00-10:00 GMT The International Rubber Study Group (IRSG) is organizing, with the International Rubber Research and development Board (IRRDB), the CGIAR research program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) led by CIFOR, and the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), a digital workshop on natural rubber […]
FTA @ GLF Bonn Digital Conference!
Contribution of Forests, Trees and Agroforestry to sustainable Food Security and Nutrition in a time of crisis Wednesday June 3rd [14h00-15h30 | 15 min break | 15h45-17h15] The Forests, Trees and Agroforestry Research Program (FTA) of the CGIAR with its partners proudly invites you to our session at the upcoming GLF Bonn Digital Event! Forests, […]
Brussels Development Briefing n. 59 “Agroecology for Sustainable Food Systems”
The next Brussels Development Briefing n. 59 on “Agroecology for Sustainable Food Systems” organised by CTA, the European Commission/EuropeAid, the ACP Secretariat, CONCORD and IPES-FOOD will take place on Wednesday 15 January 2020 (9h00-13h00) at the ACP Secretariat, Avenue Georges Henri 451, 1200 Brussels. The briefing will bring various perspectives and experiences on agroecological systems to […]
Scaling-up innovative finance for sustainable landscapes: Wrapping up the e-dialogue
Agriculture, forestry and other land uses are central to the implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). They may also contribute up to 20% of emission reductions needed to achieve the Paris mitigation target. Notably, nearly 60% of food production is produced by smallholders (<20 ha) who are undoubtedly the most vulnerable to climate change. […]
25th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 25) to the UNFCCC
The UNFCCC secretariat (UN Climate Change) was established in 1992 when countries adopted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The secretariat organizes and supports between two and four negotiating sessions each year. The largest and most important is the Conference of the Parties (COP), held annually and hosted in different locations around the globe. […]
Global Landscapes Forum Luxembourg
In the world’s center of green finance, the 4th international finance symposium will continue to build the investment case for financing sustainable land use and landscape restoration, featuring insights from successful public-private partnerships in promoting sustainable investment. FTA organizes an interactive discussion at the upcoming GLF Luxembourg 2019 with prominent investors and beneficiaries to discuss […]
FTA side-event at GLF ACCRA
This interactive session features research from Madagascar and Tanzania on how strong use and management rights to trees and forests, alongside effective local governance and various public and private incentives, have catalyzed adoption of restoration practices by local communities.
CFS 46 – Side Event 13 – Agroforestry, an agro-ecological pathway for SDG2
Agroforestry is an approach delivering benefits at local and global level, offering a range of exemplary systems by which agriculture can concretely show its contribution to SDG2 on food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture, as well as to a range of other objectives.
FTA organizes a Side Event at CFS 46 to discuss these themes. Come for an interactive session!
Committee on World Food Security (CFS 46)
FTA is proud to be part of this exciting week, being present with 2 interesting events: join us!
The 5th Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture 2019
The 5th Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture aims to mobilize the global CSA community to deliver the transformation required in the agricultural sector.
FTA @ XXV IUFRO World Congress
FTA will take part at the XXV IUFRO World Congress in Curitiba, Brazil, to present our latest work related to a range of topics addressed in the congress, including environmental protection, sustainable economic development, food security, health, water and energy resource provision, and climate change.
Toward Sustainable Palm Oil in Indonesia: Reconciling Economic Development and Forest Conservation
Oil palm, a multipurpose crop, is in many ways emblematic of key economic, social and environmental challenges and opportunities. The rapid growth of palm oil demand worldwide, and the rapid expansion of oil palm plantations in the tropics, including in Indonesia, has put the crop at the center of controversies (Rival and Levang, 2014). Palm […]
ASEAN Bamboo Congress 2019
The Bamboo Congress aims to provide a venue for an international forum for exchange of information and updates among researchers, academe, policy makers, private and public individuals on bamboo and sustainable environment strategies within ASEAN region. For more information, visit the event website.
FTA Digital Summit on Inclusive Finance
Within the framework of the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), Tropenbos International and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) have initiated a project on inclusive finance. This project includes eight interviews with key stakeholders involved in forest and tree product finance in developing countries and a summary of existing documentation […]
Global Landscapes Forum Bonn
The 2019 annual GLF event will focus the world’s attention on the fundamental importance of rights to address the current environmental crisis. Linking people to landscapes, the GLF will explore the essential contributions of indigenous peoples, local communities, and rural and indigenous women and youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris Agreement […]
Asia-Pacific Forestry Week
Asia-Pacific Forestry Week (APFW2019) will be one of the largest and most important forestry gatherings in the Asia-Pacific region in 2019. “Forests for peace and well-being” is the overall theme of APFW2019, which reflects the positive dimensions of forestry and suggests the need to proactively integrate forestry into the wider context of environment, society and […]
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) at the Bonn Climate Change Conference
The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) at the Bonn Climate Change Conference is one of two permanent subsidiary bodies to the Convention established by the COP/CMP. It supports the work of the COP, the CMP and the CMA through the provision of timely information and advice on scientific and technological matters as they relate to the Convention, its Kyoto […]
Fourth World Congress on Agroforestry
The theme of the Fourth World Congress on Agroforestry is “Agroforestry – Strengthening links between science, society and policy”. The choice of this three-fold theme “science-society-policy” follows the recognition that: Agroforestry has a role to play in most of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals Climate change presents a formidable challenge that has to be […]
Global Landscapes Forum Kyoto
Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) Kyoto will focus on how we can tackle climate change from the landscape. On May 13, experts from science, business, policy, international development and more will come join in person – and online from around the world, to focus on sustainable landscapes as one of the keys to climate mitigation and […]
INBAR Garden at International Horticultural Exhibition 2019
On April 29, the International Horticultural Exhibition (Expo 2019) will open just outside Beijing, China. The theme of the Exhibition is ‘Live Green, Live Better’, and it is set to be one of the largest expositions ever held: it covers 500 hectares of land, runs for six months, and will be visited by a number […]
Seeds of Change Conference
Seeds of Change: Gender Equality Through Agricultural Research for Development is an interdisciplinary conference for researchers and practitioners in all fields of agriculture (including food/commodity/cash crops, subsistence/semi-subsistence sectors, supply chains, forestry, fisheries, and water management) jointly funded by the Australian Centre for Agricultural Research, CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research and University of Canberra. […]
Enhancing food system resilience
Enhancing food system resilience: What roles can forests, trees and agroforestry play? What are the research perspectives? Organized by the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) and the Environmental Change Institute – University of Oxford, this seminar – taking place online and in Bogor, Indonesia – will look at enhancing food system […]
The 24th Conference of the Parties (COP 24) to the UNFCCC
The 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Katowice, Poland, from Dec. 2-14, 2018, with a key objective to adopt the implementation guidelines of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. This would include ramping up climate action so that the central goal of the […]
The 24th Conference of the Parties (COP 24) to the UNFCCC
The 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, COP24 will be held in Katowice December 2 – 14 December. The key objective of the meeting is to adopt the implementation guidelines of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. This is crucial because it ensures the true potential of the Paris […]
Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) Bonn 2018
Actors from across a wide diversity of sectors, backgrounds and countries will come together at GLF Bonn 2018 to explore how to move from commitments and pledges on sustainable landscapes to implementation. From investors to indigenous groups, from policy makers to farmers and youth, all key stakeholders will learn from each other, share success stories […]
Making sense of ‘intersectionality’
The CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research is hosting the webinar “Making sense of ‘intersectionality’” on Nov. 15 from 3pm-4.30pm CET. The webinar is organized in collaboration with the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA). This webinar aims to introduce intersectionality to researchers working on applied agriculture and natural resource management research who are […]
4th International Conference on Planted Forests
The International Congress on Planted Forests is an international academic conference that is being organized by the International Union on Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) with the technical support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations through its Planted Forests Programme. Three congresses have been held so far. The 1st and 2nd International […]
Committee on World Food Security (CFS) 45
The vision of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is to be the most inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together in a coordinated way to ensure food security and nutrition for all. It underwent reform in 2009 to ensure that the voices of other stakeholders were heard in the […]
Science Forum 2018
Science Forum 2018 (SF18), Win more, lose less: Capturing synergies between SDGs through agricultural research, will be held from 10-12 October 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. SF18 is organized by the CGIAR’S Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC) and co-hosted by the South African Agricultural Research Council. The objective of SF18 is to identify substantial interactions between the Sustainable Development Goals (both […]
Global Land Forum Conference
Every two to three years, the International Land Coalition (ILC) organizes the Global Land Forum (GLF). This unique event brings together ILC members and other stakeholders from grassroots organizations, activists, local and international NGOs, and researchers, to multilateral organizations and government agencies from around the world to advance understanding of the complex and dynamic political, […]
Tropentag 2018
The annual interdisciplinary conference on research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, natural resource management and rural development (TROPENTAG) is jointly organised by the universities of Berlin, Bonn, Göttingen, Hohenheim, Kassel-Witzenhausen, Hamburg, ZALF e.V., ETH Zurich (Switzerland), Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic), BOKU Vienna (Austria) and the Council for Tropical and Subtropical Research […]
GLF Africa Conference
Join thought-provoking discussions on how to manage tradeoffs, cross-sectoral planning and implementation approaches, and ways to strengthen capacity around the GLF’s five core themes of Restoration, Food Security & Livelihoods, Rights, Financing Sustainable Landscapes, and Measuring Progress toward climate and development goals. The event will tackle some of the most pressing issues of the day, […]
Blue Carbon Summit
Blue carbon is in abundance along Indonesia’s shores, stored in mangroves and seagrass meadows. It promises significant economic advantages through well-preserved fisheries and aquaculture and helps mitigate climate change, acting as a buffer against rising sea levels. Participants will exchange information and ideas at the Blue Carbon Summit, providing the basis for building a roadmap […]
Committee on Forestry (COFO) World Forests Week
The Committee on Forestry (COFO) is the highest FAO Forestry statutory body. The biennial sessions of COFO (held at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy) bring together heads of forest services and other senior government officials to identify emerging policy and technical issues, to seek solutions and to advise FAO and others on appropriate action. Other international organizations […]
GENNOVATE, a qualitative comparative study on gender norms and agency in agricultural and environmental innovation – Study concepts and methodology
The CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research is hosting the webinar ‘GENNOVATE, a qualitative comparative study on gender norms and agency in agricultural and environmental innovation – Study concepts and methodology’. The webinar is organized in collaboration with GENNOVATE. GENNOVATE is a comparative qualitative study that focuses on how gender norms influence agricultural and natural resource […]
Global Bamboo and Rattan Congress 2018
The International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR) together with the State Forestry Administration of China (SFA) will hold the 1st ever Global Bamboo and Rattan Congress 2018. On 25-27 June 2018, ministers, government officials, scientists, conservationists, educators, and business leaders will come together to address these pressing global issues. Bamboo and rattan are strategic resources […]
GLF Investment Case
The 2018 Investment Case Symposium will feature business cases with landscape improvement goals that meet or exceed requirements of profitability, governance, tenure, social inclusion, and monitoring and traceability. The event will also highlight examples of deals that are designed to match the particular aspects of natural capital investments. An estimated 280 participants, along with a […]
Landscape transformation: what does power have to do with it?
Many different kinds of actors are involved in landscape transformations – indigenous landholders, small-scale farmers, agri-business corporations, land titling agencies, and forest conservation departments, to name just a few. Each actor has their own vision of how landscapes should be arranged, and who should be permitted to do what with the land. These visions sometimes […]
Side event at SBSTA-48
Does money go to trees? Assessing finance flows to maximize the impact of REDD+ Successful implementation of REDD+ depends on sufficient finance. Speakers in this event will explore REDD+ finance flows from donor to recipient countries, identifying where they do and don’t go, analyzing what this means for the progress of REDD+, and drawing conclusions […]
FAO/FTA Consultations on “Framework methodology for vulnerability assessments of forestry” and “Supplementary guidelines for addressing forests in National Adaptation Plans”
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40 (Saal A), Bonn, Germany 9.30am-12.30pm and 2pm-5pm Following a request from the FAO Committee on Forestry in 2016, the Forestry and Climate and Biodiversity Departments of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) are […]
Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit (APRS) 2018
The 2018 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit (APRS) will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The Summit provides the opportunity for countries across the region to showcase their work on forest conservation and demonstrate their progress on implementation of the Paris Climate Change Agreement. The 2018 Summit will build on the success of the 2016 APRS held in […]
World Water Forum
The World Water Forum is the world’s biggest water-related event and is organized by the World Water Council (WWC), an international organization that brings together all those interested in the theme of water. Its mission is “to promote awareness, build political commitment and trigger action on critical water issues at all levels, to facilitate the […]
Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) international conference
International Conference: Working Across Sectors to Halt Deforestation and Increase Forest Area – from Aspiration to Action This international conference, organized by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, will bring together a wide range of stakeholders to discuss the challenges of halting and reversing deforestation and to jointly explore ways to accelerate progress towards achieving in […]
Global Landscapes Forum: Bonn 2017
You’ll be front and center for the launch of the UN Environment Program’s Interfaith Rainforest Initiative, which seeks to unite the world’s major faith communities for the protection of tropical forests.
Social Science Baha public event: What does migration mean on the home front? Implications for land and social change in Nepal
Dec. 16, 2017 from 1pm-5pm Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal The growing migration and mobility of young, able bodied men and women are having profound effects on land and social relations in Nepal. And yet, much of the policy and public discussion is concerned with the contribution of migration to economic growth, on the one hand, […]
Policy Dialogue on Forest Landscape Restoration and Gender Equality
The current understanding of Forest Landscape Restoration moves beyond the ecosystem-based approach of previous years and defines restoration as “a planned process to regain ecological integrity and enhance human well-being in deforested or degraded landscapes”. Gender equality and women’s rights are critical for addressing these dual objectives. This workshop will bring together a wide range […]
Conference of the Parties (COP) 23
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) 44
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all. The Committee reports to the UN General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and to FAO Conference. For further info please click here.
125th IUFRO Anniversary Congress 2017
The 125th Anniversary of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) will be held from 18-22 September 2017 in Freiburg, Germany. IUFRO is one of the world’s oldest international scientific organizations, today uniting as many as 15,000 scientists in more than 120 countries around the world. This year’s anniversary congress will celebrate the achievements of the […]
ICRAF Science Week 2017
The focus of this year’s Science Week is on the four priority themes of ICRAF’s refreshed Corporate Strategy 2017-2026. The event will also be broadcast online from Nairobi. For more information, visit the ICRAF website.
IDH The Sustainable Trade Initiative webinar on measuring impact Online
For more information: Impact research shows how IDH is making a difference
Global Bamboo and Rattan Conference
The International Network for Bamboo and Rattan will host the Global Bamboo and Rattan Conference in Beijing, China, in September 2017. The goal of the conference is to reinforce the role of bamboo and rattan in advancing the SDGs, especially climate change mitigation and adaption. For more information, visit the INBAR website.
GFAR webinar on Farm, Community and Participatory Radio
For more information: Join GFAR’s webinar on “Farm Radio, Community Radio and Participatory Radio”
Peatlands Conference
With more than 400 people in attendance in Jakarta — as well as over 1,000 views of the event livestream and more than 9,000,000 people reached through Twitter — the thematic Global Landscapes Forum: Peatlands Matter brought together local and global actors to accelerate positive action in the management of peatlands around the world. For […]
2017 Landscape Governance Course
Applications are now open for an international course on “Landscape Governance”, to be offered by the Centre for Development Innovation at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). The course is hosted by CIFOR on its campus in Bogor, Indonesia. For more information about the […]
Cool insights for a hot world: Virtual Symposium
For more information visit event page
International Day of Forests
The Second General Assembly of the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020
For more information click here
African Landscapes Dialogue: Integrated Landscape Management in Practice
For more information click here
Governing oil palm for gender equality and women’s empowerment – a multi-stakeholder dialogue
The policy dialogue is jointly hosted by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Gender Studies Graduate Program (Kajian Gender) at the School of Strategic and Global Studies, University of Indonesia. For more information visit
European Conference of Tropical Ecology
For more information click here
COP 13 of the Convention on Biological Diversity
More information on CBD website
Africa conference on Ecosystem Services
The first Conference of the Regional Africa chapter of the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) has the title Ecosystem Services for SDGs in Africa. Discussions will focus on Africa’s contribution towards data and evidence on best practices for management, restoration of ecosystem services for decision making particularly towards the realization of sustainable development goals. For more information visit the ESP conference website […]
Sustainable Landscapes for Livelihoods: 2016 PEFC Forest Certification Stakeholder Dialogue
This year, the PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue closes the 2016 PEFC Forest Certification Week. Spanning a full week, PEFC Week is the perfect opportunity for everyone along the forest certification supply chain to gather together to discuss some of the key topics in the world of forestry. For more information visit PEFC website Side event by Terry Sunderland,Team […]
Global Landscapes Forum 2016
For more information on the the biggest event under the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry visit
Tree-based bioenergy systems: sustainable development with mitigation and adaptation co-benefits
Side-event at UNFCCC COP 22, co-hosted by the World Agroforestry Centre and INBAR Tree-based bioenergy systems can contribute to sustainable development in developing countries while providing strong mitigation and adaptation co-benefits. The event will present solutions how bioenergy systems can be modern, accessible and affordable within a realistic development perspective. There will be a dedicated […]
First International Agrobiodiversity Congress
For more information see International Agrobiodiversity Congress website, organizers are the Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources (ISPGR) and Bioversity International, in collaboration with Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Authority (PPV&FRA) (Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare), National Biodiversity Authority (Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change), Trust for Advancement […]
Forests and Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement Network Annual Meeting
For more information visit FLARE
Gender and Agriculture Research Network’s Annual Meeting
As the CGIAR Research Programs are gearing up for the start of phase II, the meeting is meant to foster collaboration among CRP Gender Research Coordinators and Network members by increasing their familiarity with each other’s approaches, activities and achievements. Find out more here.
The IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania (FTA represented)
Scientists under the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry will speak about Forests for Sustainable Development: The Role of Research For more information visit IUFRO event website
1st Latin American Regional Conference on Ecosystem Services
‘Healthy ecosystems for resilient societies’ is chosen as the theme of the first regional Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) conference to take place in Latin America. This ESP conference will convene scientists, policy makers and practitioners to discuss the role that ecosystem services can play to reduce socioeconomic tensions in the region and achieve sustainable and […]
Center for International Forestry Research Annual Meeting
CIFOR Headquarters Bogor, Indonesia
ICRAF Science Week
IUCN World Conservation Congress
For more information visit International Union for the Conservation of Nature
2016 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit
More information (also on FTA involvement) at
53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Biology and Conservation
For more information visit event website
Forestry in the new development frameworks
In 2015, key developments such as the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement formed the basis of a new global development framework, at the forefront of which is forestry and landscapes. The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has developed a new strategy 2016–2025 which builds explicitly on this new […]
Oslo REDD+ Exchange Conference
Oslo REDD Exchange 2016, following successful events in 2010 and 2013, is a key forum to convene REDD stakeholders from civil society, governments, private sector and academia to promote the successful establishment and implementation of REDD+ through the exchange of perspectives, experiences and ideas. Participation is by invitation only. Visit the event website of Norad to find out more.
Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case
This invitation-only event aims to bring together key stakeholders to to take financing of sustainable landscapes to the next level. It is one of the most important events under the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry. For more information visit Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case
Asian conference on Ecosystem Services for Nature Based Solutions
The first Asian ESP conference addresses the key question: can ecosystem services help re-connect people and ecosystems to develop Nature Based Solutions. For more information visit ESP conference website
44th UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)
For more information see UNFCCC
Training on 5Capitals-G
From 20-24 April 2016, a training on 5Capitals-G – a gender-responsive tool for assessing the poverty impacts of value chain development – brought together researchers from Bioversity International and partners working on gender-equitable value chain development in different parts of India: the College of Forestry (Karnataka), Action for Social Advancement (ASA, Madhya Pradesh), and the […]
Capacity Building Task Force Meeting IPBES
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is hosting various events over the year that can be found here
Live Webcast Think Forests: Why Investing in Forests is the Next Big Thing
For more information visit World Bank
Land and Poverty Conference 2016: Scaling up Responsible Land Governance
Flagship 5 of the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry organized a panel at this conference. For more information visit event website.
General Assembly of the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020
This is the first General Assembly of the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020. The event is combined with an optional field trip on 12 – 13 March, 2016. Over 80 partners of TFA 2020 from government, business, civil society, international organizations and local communities will come together at this invitation-only meeting to finalize the 2016-18 strategy […]
Asia-Pacific Forestry Week
FTA research to be presented FAO and its partners invite forestry practitioners to come together for one of the largest and most important forestry gatherings in the region in 2016. The Republic of the Philippines’ Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) will co-host the event. Find out more here
Featured events
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FTA 2020 Science Conference Forest, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change