Multistakeholder initiatives: fostering landscape-based natural resources management in Sumbawa

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Center for International Forestry Research

Sumbawa District and the other three-district and one-municipality governments in Sumbawa Island have faced serious ecological challenges due to the increasing deforestation and forest conversion. As a small island, accumulated impacts due to these conditions, escalated by climate change, have been more serious compared to large island. Including the threats to the Bajo People, who have been living for generations in Bungin Island (Coral Villages). Produced by CIFOR and Rekam Jejak Nusantara Foundation, the video captures the activities implemented by KANOPPI and the associated impacts. Through participatory action research, KANOPPI influences the policy processes and translates landscape-based strategies into practices through a complementary agroforestry approach. Particularly in fostering a strong community-based inclusive business model, as a driver of the regional economy. Moving forward, KANOPPI initiative in developing the Grand Strategy for an Integrated Timber and Non-Timber Management at the Landscape Level, needs to be adopted at the island level of Sumbawa, to ensure synergy among the four-district and one-municipality governments.

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