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- Home
- Introduction
- Tree seed and seedling systems for resilience and productivity
- Conservation of tree biodiversity and sustainable forest management
- Forest and Landscape Restoration
- Food Security and Nutrition
- Wild Meat
- Trees on Farms (TonF) to improve livelihoods and the environment
- Biomass, Bioenergy and Biomaterials
- Improving rural livelihoods through supporting local innovation at scale
- Sustainable Value Chains and Finance
- REDD+ : combating climate change with forest science
- Adaptation to climate change
- Multi-Functional Landscapes for sustainable development
- Governing forests, agroforestry and trees for delivering SDGs
- Advancing gender equality and social inclusion
- Capacity Development
- Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Impact Assessment
- Way Forward
Wild Meat
FTA Highlight of a decade 2011-2021 > Wild Meat
The meat of wild animals is a crucial part of the diets of millions of families in the tropics and subtropics. It is often the most accessible and sustainable source of protein and micronutrients and can also be a significant source of revenue for many people. Enabling these people, mostly the poor, to continue consuming wildlife in a sustainable manner — while reducing the impacts of overhunting on animal populations — are the main challenges facing researchers and policymakers.