FTA Newsletter Issue #4 2016 – Focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation
FTA Newsletter Issue #4 2016 – Focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation
16 August, 2016
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FTA communications
Focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation
Welcome to the fourth 2016 newsletter from the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA). This issue focuses on climate change adaptation and mitigation, and you can read about paying for REDD+, emissions from Indonesia’s forest fires, a land-use sector with growing tree cover and the large-scale drivers of deforestation. We also look back at a major event supported by FTA - the Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case. And keep an eye out for the FTA Annual Report 2015, which will launch shortly and be sent to all subscribers by email.
As the area of tropical forests continues to decline, a remarkable change is happening: Tree cover on agricultural land is increasing across the globe. And that cover captures nearly 0.75 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide every year, a new study under FTA suggest.
The results provide insights into the patterns of this tremendous change at global, regional and national scales and suggests a large mitigation potential in this land sector that should be explored more systematically.
While countries are developing their own approaches to REDD+, the challenges they face remain largely the same. This is the conclusion from a REDD+ knowledge-sharing event in Addis Ababa. Scientists working under FTA heard that even countries who were ahead of the game in launching REDD+ are lagging when it comes to implementation. Will this give latecomers the chance to catch up? Read more here.
For the first time, researchers have quantified the greenhouse gas emissions from fires in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua. The team measured ground-level smoke from burning peat, and satellites provided data on the heat output being radiated by the fires as well as information on the amount of carbon monoxide present in the surrounding atmosphere. Read about their groundbreaking results here.
Smallholder farmers participating in a payments for ecosystem services (PES) scheme in Cidanau Watershed, Indonesia have more diverse diets than those who didn’t participate. A recent study by the World Agroforestry Centre under FTA explains what changed, and what other benefits were seen.
Assumptions about who is actually paying to reduce emissions from deforestation have been wrong, a new study under FTA suggests. Many REDD+ initiatives expected that the costs would be covered by incoming funds from the international community. They also thought that REDD+ would generate a surplus that could be equitably shared between different stakeholders. If only. Find out here who will pay and why that is not a good thing.
A new tool to assess poverty in a gender-responsive way is set to prove its value in a pilot phase starting mid-2016 in India, Peru and Guatemala. The name 5Capitals-G might raise eyebrows, but scientists working under the CGIAR FTA are convinced of its use. Read more here.
In a new book, FTA scientists make the case for integrated monitoring of the effects of REDD+. Although the approach has a strong focus on carbon sequestration, it might be just as important to understand the other outcomes – such as impact on livelihoods and biodiversity. If one wants to ensure that the program is viable in the long term, that is. Read more here.
Asian countries are overlooking how the private sector can help them reach national climate goals, CIFOR’s Steve Lawry warned in an article on the occasion of the Bonn climate meeting in May. He based his perspective on a recent report on seven countries’ Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, a key element of climate change mitigation. Read his analysis here.
CIRAD and Bioversity International present their Annual Reports for 2015
CIRAD/Bioversity International
Two key members of the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), Bioversity International and the French CIRAD, have just released their Annual Reports for 2015. Read more here and here.
Researchers and development workers aim to benefit local communities, but how should scientists and indigenous people work together? Four experts from the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) met with members of the Tala-andig tribe in Indonesia to discuss solutions. Read here what they discovered.