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FTA Newsletter Issue #3 2016 – Focus on global governance, trade and investment

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FTA communications

Focus on global governance, trade and investment

Welcome to the third Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) newsletter of 2016, with a focus on global governance, trade and investment. This newsletter comes just after the Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case in London, where FTA flagship coordinator Pablo Pacheco promoted the theme of smallholder finance in the tropics. In this issue, we highlight topics such as sugarcane in Indonesia, agricultural investments in Mozambique and fair trade cocoa in Ghana. CIAT’s Director General Ruben Echeverria reflects on a successful FTA project: Terra-i. And, we will take a look at how agroforestry is making an impact on smallholders' lives.

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Making farms sustainable and climate-smart with agroforestry



For smart farmers, there is more than one way to benefit from agroforestry. This is the clear takeaway from the Smart Tree-Invest project, which forms part of the CGIAR Research Program on FTA. It shows the effects of very different interventions from co-investment to special forms of climate-smart agriculture. Find out more here.

Measure and manage: Terra-i taken to the next level



The rainforest-monitoring platform Terra-i is one of the key achievements of the CGIAR Research Program on FTA. Terra-i is now on the verge of being extended to the forests of Southeast Asia and Africa. CIAT’s Director General Ruben Echeverria explains what this means.

The Investment Case for smallholders’ access to finance



It is well-known that it is hard for small farmers to gain access to financing. What is less know is that scientists under the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry are working on solutions to include smallholders in sustainable agricultural production and commodity trade. Pablo Pacheco leads the research in that area and hosted a discussion at the Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case in London on 6 June. Read his blog and the White Paper on the event.

The sugar or the trees



Yet another commodity is poised to increase the pressure on Indonesia’s tropical forests, a new study suggests. While much of the attention globally is focused on oil palm as a driver of deforestation, Indonesia has plans to massively expand its sugarcane plantations. Read here what this means and how the consequences for local populations and the environment could be mitigated.

Researchers are leaving Sulawesi, agroforestry lingers on



After four years, the FTA project Agroforestry and Forestry in Sulawesi: Linking knowledge to action (AgFor) is coming to an end. So what has changed for farmers in the meantime? What will stay the same? And why are researchers optimistic? Find out here.

Ghana wants bigger slice of the fair chocolate cake



Ghana’s share of the fair trade cocoa market is growing, but will the business be sustainable? In a just-completed baseline study, scientists with the CGIAR Research Program on FTA looked at the potential for fair trade cocoa in Ghana. Their data shows that there are still hurdles along the way.

Agroforests changing landscapes in Vietnam



Five years ago, scientists under the CGIAR Research Program on FTA started an experiment. At that time, Vietnam’s Son La province was rife with land degradation and poverty. Now, the project has changed landscapes and lives.

Overcoming land grab prejudices



Large agricultural investments in many African countries are often equated with land grabbing from richer economies. A recent study under the CGIAR Research Program on FTA in Mozambique suggests that this is not automatically the case. Many of the large investments in agriculture are made by local and regional businesses, and the food produced lands in the domestic market. Read more about the findings here.

When will sustainable oil palm become the norm?



Oil palm is one of the biggest commodities traded worldwide and a key research theme of the CGIAR Research Program on FTA. And, concerns about unsustainable palm oil production have been growing. A recent study suggests that sustainability in the sector hinges to a large extent on smallholders.

Land rights and livelihoods: It’s complicated



It sounds logical: provide farmers with secure tenure and their lives will improve. But a study under the CGIAR Research Program on FTA suggests that this is not necessarily so.


Spreading the word on better land-use planning for Indonesia’s commodities



With better coordination and collaboration within the government, Indonesia could improve its commodity usage. This is one conclusion from a recent workshop under the CGIAR Research Program on FTA. Researchers and government representatives wanted to know how land-use planning and resource management in Indonesia could be improved at the landscape level. The outcomes from the discussion were interesting for both sides.



Finding long-term solutions for degraded peat land


Making timber certification work for local markets





Taking the Bitter with the Sweet: Sugarcane’s Return as a Driver of Tropical Deforestation

Beyond Timber: forest management models for transforming conflict into cooperation

Agricultural investments in Mozambique: An analysis of investment trends, business models and social and environmental conduct

The impact of land property rights interventions on investment and agricultural productivity in developing countries: a systematic review

Green growth rhetoric versus reality: Insights from Indonesia


Public and private actions for shifting towards sustainable production of beef and palm oil

Avoiding deforestation and forest degradation under a new climate agreement: The evolution of REDD+ and implications for international forest policy

REDD+ research

Modeling future deforestation and the impact on biodiversity in the Congo Basin

Presentation on the Landscapes Portal

Action on zero deforestation pledges: The challenge of aligning public and private sustainability goals



Beef in Brazil: Steps toward sustainability

CIAT Annual Report 2015-2016 – Sustainable Food Futures: Getting the Fundamentals Right

How to feed a hotter world

Production and protection: Business initiative for sustainable landscapes


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CGIAR Research Program - Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA)

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