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FTA Focus on Gender October 2016

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FTA communications


Dear friends and colleagues,

Welcome to the eigth edition of the FTA Gender Integration Team Newsletter: Focus on Gender. On this issue we would like to commemorate the International Day of Rural Women and invite you to knowledge and celebrate rural women for the contributions they make to their households, their communities and their landscapes.
Please feel free to share with us any gender and forests related resources, tools or information you may have. Your comments and feedback on the newsletter are welcome and encouraged. To get in touch, please email Ana Maria Paez Valencia

Warm regards,
The FTA Gender Integration Team

Thoughts on Gender

Photo Essay: Rural women across the globe: Linking livelihoods and landscapes

In this photo essay, rural women from all over the world have their say. Listen to their stories and see their photos

To celebrate the UN International Day of Rural Women, CIFOR’s Gender Coordinator Dr. Bimbika Sijapati Basnett shares her views on the progress and the challenges for women living and working in rural areas.

Read the blog: Shedding light on opportunities and challenges for rural women

Featured Project & Researcher

ProjectAgroforestry and Forestry in Sulawesi: Linking Knowledge with Action (AgFor)

Researcher: Elok Mulyoutami, Local Ecological Knowledge & Farming System Analyst, World Agroforestry Centre ICRAF

Group discussions are used to identify the gender roles and knowledge regarding agriculture production, livelihoods and natural resource management. That way, the communities can identify for themselves that each gender holds crucial knowledge and skills. They can understand the importance of a gender-equitable approach…” 

To read the full interview with Elok click here

Focus on Gender Research

This is a brief update on selected gender-related research that is ongoing within the CGIAR research programme on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA). 

Gendered dimensions of agricultural land investments –  This research examines the ways in which women and men are differently affected by agribusiness expansion into forested landscapes of Tanzania.
For a list of all of CIFOR’s gender-related projects, click here.

Gender and climate change in China’s Yunnan Province – This research is part of a wider initiative investigating how gender has influenced climate change adaptation throughout the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region. 

Conservation for diversified and sustainable use of fruit tree genetic resources in Central AsiaResults will provide guidance on how to foster the equitable participation of men and women in the management of fruit tree genetic resources in home gardens and forests in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. 

Looking at gender in coffee agroforestry in Nicaragua –  The research on gender, tree uses, and decision-making patterns among shade coffee producers in Tuma la Dalia, Nicaragua has made some progress

News & Highlights

Women’s shifting rights to precious tree resources in burkina faso

Read the blog and watch the short video on shifting access rights to the néré tree


 Neil Palmer/IWMI


Once, there was a lake
A story about how change in natural landscapes also affects and transforms social and cultural norms, and power and gender relations



Photo: Jeremy Weate



Photo: Jeremy Weate


Subscribe to Focus on Gender



Article: Negotiating across difference: Gendered exclusions and cooperation in the shea value chain  


Article: Building value chains for indigenous fruits: lessons from camu-camu in Peru


Article: Challenges for women’s participation in communal forests: Experience from Nicaragua’s in digenous territories 


Article: Exploring local knowledge and preferences for shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) ethnovarieties in Southwest Burkina Faso through a gender and ethnic lens


Article: Engendering social and environmental safeguards in REDD+: lessons from feminist and development research


Brief: Mixing methods for holistic project evaluations: revisiting Nepal’s home garden project through a qualitative lens

Upcoming Events

COP 22 Marrakesh: The FTA gender integration team is partnering with a wide range of organizations to organize the following events in conjunction with the UNFCCC COP22 in Marrakesh:12 November Skills share session at the GGCA Innovation Forum
14 NovemberGender in Climate Policy – Translating Global Mandates into National Policy and Action
16 November – High-level panel discussion at Global Landscapes ForumRead more

Bogota, Colombia October 11-12: Encuentro Latinoamericano “Tierra, territorio y derechos de las mujeres afrodescendientes’ – organized by the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) the workshop brings together women leaders across the Latin American region, including government, experts, and donors around the topic of women tenure rights in collective systems.

Cancun, Mexico December 9: Forest and Agriculture Day at the Rio Conventions’ Pavilion during the 13th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 13) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) – The CBD Secretariat organizes the day in collaboration with various partners including Bioversity International, CIFOR and ICRAF where Gender will be a cross-cutting theme.

Events Reports

The Book ‘Gender and Forests’ garnered international attention among decision-makers and communicators at FAO’s Forestry Week and the Committee on Forestry (COFO) in July in Rome and at the Joint Workshop of the UNECE-FAO Forest Communicators Network and IUFRO Communications and Public Relations Working Party in Portland, Oregon (USA) in August. Watch a short video produced by FAO where one of the authors Carol Colfer delivered powerful messages about why and how gender matters in research and practice on forests.


This newsletter is a product of the collaboration between the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bioversity International, and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) as part of the Research Program on Forest, Trees and Agroforestry of the CGIAR.

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World Agroforestry Centre
United Nations Avenue, Gigiri
PO Box 30677, Nairobi, 00100


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