FTA Final Event

10 years of FTA research for people and the planet

9th of December 13:00-16:00 CET

Book your calendars!

We are happy to invite you to FTA’s final event, to be held on the 9th of December on Zoom, 1-4pm CET.

The occasion is unique: we will be wrapping up 10 years of research and presenting our newly launched series “FTA Highlights of a Decade”  as well as some pioneering integrated impact assessment studies. 

We will show how forests, trees and agroforestry, when effectively used, managed and governed, do improve production systems, enhance food security, support livelihoods, advance equity, as well as provide key solutions for landscapes, climate change and biodiversity challenges. We will also reveal key numbers on the tangible influence of the FTA program, spaning over millions of hectares (either preserved from deforestation, restored, or more sustainably managed) and across millions of people worldwide who are now more food and nutrition secure, or with improved means of livelihoods.


The digital event is open to anyone, so don’t feel shy and share this across your networks!


13:00-16:00 CET

Thu, 9 Dec 2021

13:00 - 13:10


13:00 Opening by Robert Nasi – CIFOR Director General and CIFOR-ICRAF Managing Director, and former FTA director (2011-2016).
13:05 Presentation of FTA highlights: structure, relevance, topics, where to find, etc. Vincent Gitz – FTA Director.
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Rober Nasi
CIFOR Director General and CIFOR-ICRAF Managing Director, and former FTA director

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Vincent Gitz
FTA Director
13:10 - 13:50

Trees, Agroforestry, Forests for biodiversity and food systems

Chair: Linda Collette, ISC member

13:10 Highlight #2 Tree Seed and Seedling Systems for Resilience and Productivity, Ramni Jamnadass
13:15 Highlight #3 Conservation of Tree Biodiversity and Sustainable Forest Management, Barbara Vinceti
13:20 Highlight #4 Forest and Landscape Restoration, Manuel Guariguata
13:25  Highlight #5 Food Security and Nutrition, Amy Ickowitz
13:30  Highlight #6 Wild Meat, Julia Fa (TBD)
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Linda Collete
ISC member
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Ramni H. Jamnadass
Leader of Flagship 1: Tree genetic resources & Co- Leader, Tree Productivity & Diversity

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Barbara Vinceti
Bioversity International, FTA

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Manuel Guariguata
Principal Scientist & Hub Leader

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Amy Ickowitz
Team Leader,Sustainable Landscapes & Livelihoods

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Julia Fa
Senior Associate
13:50 - 14:30

Trees, Agroforestry, Forests for Livelihoods

Chair: Rene Boot, Tropenbos and ISC member

13:50  Highlight #7 Trees on Farms to improve livelihoods and the environment, Eduardo Somarriba
13:55  Highlight #8 Biomass, Bioenergy and Biomaterials, Li Xanxia
14:00 Highlight #9 Improving Rural Livelihoods through Supporting Local Innovation at Scale, Fergus Sinclair (TBD)
14:05  Highlight #10 Sustainable Value Chains, Finance and Investment in Forestry and Tree Commodities, Michael Brady
14:10  Highlight #15 Advancing Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, Marlène Elias
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Rene Boot
Tropenbos and ISC member
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Eduardo Somarriba

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Li Xanxia
Senior Officer of Global Programme

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Fergus Sinclair
Chief Scientist, Leader, Resilient Livelihood Systems

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Michael Brady
Team Leader, Value Chains, Finance, & Investments & Leader, Sustainable value chains and investments

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Marlène Elias
Senior Scientist, Gender Research and Integration Leader & Coordinator, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, FTA
14:15 - 14:30

Discussion: Emerging needs and issues

14:30 - 15:05

Trees, Agroforestry, Forests for Climate Change and SDGs

Chair: Florencia Montagnini, ISC member

14:30 Highlight #11 REDD+: Combating Climate Change with Forest Science, Christopher Martius
14:35 Highlight #12 Adaptation to Climate Change with Forests, Trees and Agroforestry, Alexandre Meybeck
14:40 Highlight #13 Multi-Functional Landscapes for Sustainable Development, Peter Minang (TBD)
14:45 Highlight #14 Governing Forests, Trees and Agroforestry for Delivering on the SDGs, Beira Leimona (TBD)
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Florencia Montagnini
ISC member
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Christopher Martius
Bonn Hub Leader and Managing Director of CIFOR Germany & Leader, Climate change mitigation and adaptation

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Alexandre Meybeck
Senior Policy Officer & Senior Technical Advisor

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Peter Minang
Principal Scientist & Leader, Landscape dynamics, productivity and resilience

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Beira Leimona
Senior Expert Landscape Governance and Investment
14:50 - 15:05

Discussion: Emerging needs and issues

15:05 - 15:25

Results and impact

Chair: Plinio Sist CIRAD

15:05 Highlight #16 Capacity Development, Andrew Wardell
15:15  Highlight #17 MELIA and Impact Studies, Brian Belcher
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Plinio Sist
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Andrew Wardell
Principal Scientist

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Brian Belcher
Senior Associate
15:25 - 16:00

Building on the legacy and reinventing FTA

What roles for Forest, trees and agroforestry research, as part of the urgent action agenda. Knowledge gaps and ways to continue the mission, what comes next?

Chair: Vincent Gitz, FTA Director

Panel discussion with:

  • Anne-Marie Izac (ISC Chair)
  • Plinio Sist (CIRAD)
  • Bas Louman (Tropenbos International)
  • Li Xuejiao (CAF)
  • Erich Schaitza (Embrapa)
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Vincent Gitz
FTA Director
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Anne-Marie Izac
ISC Chair

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Plinio Sist

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Bas Louman
Tropenbos International

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Li Xuejiao

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Erich Schaitza

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