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Youth proposals for innovative technologies in the Asia-Pacific forestry sector

Coex, Seoul, Republic of Korea
 3 May 2022 12:30-02:00 PM - KST

CIFOR’s researcher measure tree diameter in tropical peat swamp forest. Tree diameter survey is one of step for forest carbon monitoring. Photo by Sigit Deni Sasmito/CIFOR

Young people have shown their capacity to generate and spearhead trans-national mobilization to address environmental challenges such as climate change and advance sustainable development. They are instrumental in shaping a sustainable future including: by taking leadership roles and generating momentum through collaboration and social media, by transforming rigid institutions from within and participating to the uptake and upscale of innovative technologies in the forest sector. This is why FAO and FTA, through an open call for contributions, invited students and young professionals to contribute actively to the roadmap being developed on the use of innovative technologies in forestry and forest management in the Asia-Pacific region, with key recommendations (policy and concrete actions) for their application in sustainable forest management. This exercise resulted in a FAO / FTA co-publication, accessible online,1 which gathers the best youth contributions.

The authors of this publication interacting with youth and audience present in the room will be invited to reflect on two questions:

  • Can innovative technologies improve and facilitate the engagement of youth in forestry and forest related issues?
  • .How to better integrate innovative technologies in forestry curricula?


Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff

Senior Forestry Officer and Secretary of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission, FAO-RAP

Matta Rao

Forestry Officer, FAO-RAP

Vincent Gitz


Director, Programme and Platforms and Focal Point, Latin America, CIFOR-ICRAF

Shahrukh Kamran


Young expert, Pakistan

Kyuho Lee


Young expert, Rep. of Korea

Nur Bahar

Young expert, Malaysia

Cecile de Jesus


Young expert, the Philippines

Prachi Gupta


Young expert, India

Sanjaya Raj Tamang

Young expert, Nepal

Clarence Gio Almoite

Young expert, the Philippines

Marie-Jessica Gabriel

Young expert, the Philippines

Deasy Ramatia

Young expert, Indonesia

Sony Lama


Young expert, Nepal

Thuan Sarzynski

Young expert, Viet Nam

Angga Saputra

Young expert, Indonesia

June Mandawali

Young expert, Papua New Guinea


John Roshetko

Senior Agroforestry Systems & Integrated Natural Resources Management Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF

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