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- Developing smallholder-oriented integrated pest management strategies for fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith) management
Developing smallholder-oriented integrated pest management strategies for fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith) management

Fall armyworm can feed on over 350 plant species. Photo: World Agroforestry/Nema Amanzi
Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith) is an invasive pest native to the Americas that was first detected in West Africa in 2016, and has since spread rapidly across Africa and Asia. Fall armyworm can feed on at least 350 plant species but has a preference for cereals, such as maize and rice and hence is a threat to the food security and incomes of millions of smallholders who depend on these staples.
During the conference scientists around the world working on solutions to Fall Armyworm management will present their latest results, with particular focus on promoting the development of smallholder-oriented integrated pest management strategies. We will hear from scientists working on a range of topics including agroecology, biological control, plant breeding, biological, botanical and chemical pesticides, monitoring and integrated pest management, and tools for capacity building and enhanced extension. The event will be live-streamed using Zoom and there will be both oral sessions and posters.
The conference is organized by the Department for Agricultural Research, Malawi, Zambian Agricultural Research Institute, World Agroforestry (ICRAF), Southern African Development Community, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations’ Sub-regional Office for Southern Africa and Grow Asia, and supported by Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation.