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Focus on Gender – March 2015

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FTA communications


Dear friends and colleagues,

Welcome to the fourth edition of the FTA Gender Integration Team Newsletter: Focus on Gender.

This newsletter, which is published three times each year, is meant to serve as a mechanism for knowledge sharing, especially on good practices and lessons learned. It is a product of the collaboration between the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bioversity International, and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) as part of the CGIAR’s Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry.

Your knowledge, information and experiences are important to us. We invite you to share with us any gender-focused resources, tools or information you may have. Your comments and feedback on the newsletter are welcome and encouraged. To get in touch, please email Ana Maria Paez Valencia at ICRAF.

Thoughts on Gender: Tackling the structural roots of gender inequity

By Dr. Margaret Kroma, Assistant Director General for Parternships & Impact, World Agroforestry Centre

Rural and smallholder women face tremendous obstacles in agricultural production and strategically participating in crop value chains. But removing obstacles alone, or increasing women’s participation in tree product value chains is not enough if the ultimate goal is women’s transformation and empowerment. Read more

Research update

This is a brief update on selected gender-related research that is ongoing within FTA. 

Understanding the dynamics of decision making in communities with high temporary migration; and Understanding gender, space and security In Indonesia (contact: Delia Catacutan)

Gender-specific appreciation of landscape multi-functionality – A study conducted in Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Uganda, Malawi and Cameroon (contact: Delia Catacutan)

For more on these ICRAF projects, click here.

Gender norms and agency in Kyrgyzstan (contact: Marlène Elias)

For more on this project, click here.

Gender-equitable rights and access to forest and tree resources and benefits – a mixed methods approach in Uganda and Nicaragua (contact: Esther Mwangi; read more here.)

Gender, migration and forest governance – Lessons from Nepal (contact: Bimbika Sijapati Basnett; read more here)

For a list of all of CIFOR’s gender-related projects, please click here.

Featured Project & Researcher

ProjectBioversity’s Innovations for Forest Resources Management (InFoRM) Program

ResearcherMarlène Elias of Bioversity (below)

I hope [this project] can achieve quite a lot in terms of engaging women of different backgrounds more fully in decision-making…”

To read the full interview with Marlène, click here

Gender News

Evolution of gender relations among Nepalese farmers (Bioversity)

Gender equality and sustainable development as human rights: A conversation (CIFOR)

Woman to Woman: How to increase support to female farmers (ICRAF)

Destiny in density: Afro-Colombian women struggle to sustain landscapes, livelihoods (CIFOR)

How participation in gender research enriches understanding (CIFOR)

The role of gender in landscape restoration – a case study from Burkina Faso (Bioversity)

Bearing the fruits of action (Bioversity)

Subscribe to Focus on Gender

Tools & Resources


Field guide to Adaptive Collaborative Management and improving women’s participation (CIFOR)

Tips for asking gender-responsive questions (Bioversity) Also available in Spanish and French

Practical tips for conducting gender-responsive data collection (Bioversity) Also available in Spanish and French

In Equal Measure: A user guide to gender analysis in agroforestry (ICRAF)
All gender-related tools and manuals published by CIFOR are available here.
The Global Gender and Climate Alliance has a collection of tools and resources, which you can access here.



Landscaping Actually: Forests to Farms through a Gender Lens (photo and story book, CIAT)

Gender, knowledge-sharing and management of shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) parklands in central-west Burkina Faso

Enhancing gender equality in the management of Africa’s natural resources (FAO publication)

Genre, biodiversité et agriculture familiale

Upcoming event

28 April – 1 May 2015, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Symposium: Gender-responsive participatory research in agricultural and natural resource management

Event report

19 – 24 January 2015, Los Baños, Philippines. CGIAR Gender Network meeting. For a report of the meeting, please click here.



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