Land and soil health assessment in the Borneo-Sumatra sentinel landscape
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- Land and soil health assessment in the Borneo-Sumatra sentinel landscape
The Land Degradation Surveillance Framework (LDSF) was carried out at four, 100 km2 sites within the Borneo-Sumatra sentinel landscape: Soralangun Sarolangun (SRG) and Merangin in Sumatra, led by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and Mentebah, and Batang Lupar in Kalimantan (Borneo), led by the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). The LDSF is a spatially stratified, randomized sampling design, developed to provide a biophysical baseline at landscape level and a monitoring and evaluation framework for assessing processes of land degradation and effectiveness of rehabilitation measures over time.
Measured variables include: land cover, tree and shrub densities, tree biodiversity, erosion prevalence, infiltration capacity, and an assessment of impact to habitat and occurrence of soil conservation structures.
Soil samples were also collected (320 top [0-20 cm] and sub [20-50 cm] soil samples per site) and were processed in Indonesia. Processed samples were shipped to Nairobi and subjected to infrared spectroscopy and wet chemistry analysis. These combined datasets will be used to assess soil and ecosystem health for the landscape in more detail.
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This dataset applies the Community Norms of Dataverse, where this dataset is originally deposited. These Community Norms, as well as good scientific practices, expect that proper credit is given via citation. No waiver has been selected for this dataset and it is subject to the relevant licensing agreements.
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These data and documents are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. You may copy, distribute and transmit the data as long as you acknowledge the source through proper citation as shown below. You may not resell or use the data for any commercial purposes except with written permission from both ICRAF and the author(s) concerned.
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1. | In accordance with scientific standards, all users of these data should make appropriate acknowledgement to the producer of the data as well as the distributor using bibliographic citation. Such citations will appear in footnotes or in the reference section of any such manuscript. The citation should use the citation standard documented in and as shown on the “Data Citation” section of the cataloguing information page for each Dataverse study. |
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Whilst utmost care has been taken by ICRAF and data authors while collecting and compiling the data, the data is however offered “as is” with no express or implied warranty. In no event shall the authors, ICRAF, or relevant funding agencies be liable for any actual, incidental or consequential damages arising from use of the data.
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Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get written permission from ICRAF and the author(s) of the data.
There are 2 restricted files in this dataset. This is an ongoing project. Data is restricted to data authors only. Users may request access to files.
Laumonier, Yves; Kharisma, Selly; Khasanah, Ni’matul; Afdholullail, Akhmad Luthfi; Widayati, Atiek; Winowiecki, Leigh; Vagen, Tor-Gunnar, 2016, “Land and Soil Health Assessment in the Borneo-Sumatra Sentinel Landscape”,, Harvard Dataverse, V3, UNF:6:Zkeor0/AECsxLmSfd33yEQ== [fileUNF].
Please see the individual data files for file-specific citations.
Borneo-Sumatra household baseline (Version 10)
Yves Laumonier; Paul Baraka; Atiek Widayati; Chandra Irawadi Wijaya; Tina Taufiqoh; Alfa Ratu Simarangkir; Isnurdiansyah; Anja Gassner; Brian Chiputwa; Parmutia Makui
Laumonier, Yves; Baraka, Paul; Widayati, Atiek; Wijaya, Chandra Irawadi; Taufiqoh, Tina; Simarangkir, Alfa Ratu; Isnurdiansyah; Gassner, Anja; Chiputwa, Brian; Makui, Parmutia, 2015, “Borneo – Sumatra Household Baseline”,, Harvard Dataverse, V10, UNF:6:k3r4JY17md2iJVYme4Ld4g== [fileUNF].
Dataset persistent ID