Borneo-Sumatra household baseline
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- Borneo-Sumatra household baseline
This study consists of sex-disaggregated data and other related materials generated as part of the Sentinel Landscapes Network household survey baseline in the Borneo-Sumatra sentinel site in Indonesia.
A total of 1039 households were surveyed between August and December 2014 from 40 villages, namely: Keluin, Rumah Betang Sei Sedik, Sawah, Sembawang, Entebuluh, Kelawik, Sungai Luar, Sungai Long, Libung, Sungai Iring, Tanjung Beringin, Tanjung Putus, Baru Kibul, Rantau Ngaro, Muaro Langeh, Nalo Gedang, Baru Nalo, Pulau Layang, Durian Lencah, Tiangko, Butang Baru, Sungai Butang, Guruh Baru, Meranti Baru, Jati Baru, Petiduran Baru, Taman Dewa, Mandiangin, Lamban Sigatal, Sepintun, Bangan Permai, Semedang, Mentebah Kiri 2, Menarin, Sei Putih, Padang Jaya, Emotong, Akung Jaya, Sei Jambu, Sei Tekuyung.
The data consists of information on household demographics, migration, education, asset ownership, income sources, household food security, progress out of poverty, crop production and sales, livestock products, participation in credit markets, social networks, and natural resource use. In compliance with the CGIAR protocol on collecting sex-disaggregated data, approximately 50% of the respondents interviewed were women. Before downloading any of the files, particularly the data files, please download and read the “Sentinel Landscapes Network Disclaimer and Terms of Use”.
Terms of use
This dataset applies the Community Norms of Dataverse, where this dataset is originally deposited. These Community Norms, as well as good scientific practices, expect that proper credit is given via citation.
CC0 – “Public Domain Dedication”
There are 12 restricted files in this dataset. This is an ongoing project. Access to the data files has been granted to the data authors. Users may request access to files.
Laumonier, Yves; Baraka, Paul; Widayati, Atiek; Wijaya, Chandra Irawadi; Taufiqoh, Tina; Simarangkir, Alfa Ratu; Isnurdiansyah; Gassner, Anja; Chiputwa, Brian; Makui, Parmutia, 2015, “Borneo – Sumatra Household Baseline”,, Harvard Dataverse, V10, UNF:6:k3r4JY17md2iJVYme4Ld4g== [fileUNF].
Borneo-Sumatra household baseline (Version 10)
Yves Laumonier; Paul Baraka; Atiek Widayati; Chandra Irawadi Wijaya; Tina Taufiqoh; Alfa Ratu Simarangkir; Isnurdiansyah; Anja Gassner; Brian Chiputwa; Parmutia Makui
Laumonier, Yves; Baraka, Paul; Widayati, Atiek; Wijaya, Chandra Irawadi; Taufiqoh, Tina; Simarangkir, Alfa Ratu; Isnurdiansyah; Gassner, Anja; Chiputwa, Brian; Makui, Parmutia, 2015, “Borneo – Sumatra Household Baseline”,, Harvard Dataverse, V10, UNF:6:k3r4JY17md2iJVYme4Ld4g== [fileUNF].
Dataset persistent ID