
The FTA data portal provides access to a wealth of datasets and maps generated through FTA research. Its part of our commitment to advancing knowledge on, and decision-making for, forest, trees, and agroforestry.

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Flagship 1: Tree genetic resources to bridge production gaps and promote resilience
Flagship 2: Enhancing how trees and forests contribute to smallholder livelihoods
Flagship 3: Sustainable value chains and investments to support forest conservation and equitable development
Flagship 4: Landscape dynamics, productivity and resilience
Flagship 5: Forests, trees and agroforestry for climate change adaptation and mitigation
Monitoring, evaluation, learning and impact assessment (MELIA)
Capacity development
Plantations and tree crop commodities
Enhanced nutrition and food security
Biodiversity, safeguarding and conservation
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
Blue carbon and peatlands
Climate change adaptation
Landscape governance
Silvopastoral systems
Market-based agroforestry-forestry
Farm-forest policy interface
Livelihood trajectory modelling and assessment
Inclusive finance and business models
Innovating finance for sustainable landscapes
Public and private commitments to zero deforestation
Orphan tree crops
Effectiveness of approaches to sustainable supply
Quality of FTA research for development
Sentinel landscapes
Displaying 1 - 20 of 400
This dataset is the baseline of the project Piloting approaches to rural advisory services in support of scaling of the Agroforestry Concessions scheme in Peru (PARA), which is currently...
Little is known about the responses of endangered Rosewood species to drought and heat stress. These stresses are expected to increase in the Greater Mekong Subregion where the species...
The LDSF was developed by World Agroforestry (ICRAF) in response to the need for consistent field methods and indicator frameworks to assess ecosystem health across landscapes. The LDSF measures...
The dataset (REDDFIT V.2) was developed in 2021 by tagging financial transfers related to REDD+ as documented in the OECD-CRS, resulting in a set of new variables. Results based...
Our analysis aims to describe how much scientific evidence is available to support forest landscape restoration (FLR) practice, focusing on key success factors listed in the Restoration Diagnostic (Hanson...
The dataset was developed in 2021 by combining two sources of data: (1) selected variables from publicly available data in the international REDD+ project database v.4.1 (ID-RECCO), available from...
This data was recorded as part of CIFOR’s GCS-REDD. “Integrating REDD+ with development goals at the landscape level: the role of multi-stakeholder forums in subnational jurisdictions” sought to examine...
The purpose of the country profile is to provide an overview of the contextual conditions that affect the REDD+ policy environment in a specific country, along with a preliminary...
Combined data of all indicators and a subset with the main indicators computed from various sections of the SL Household module
Combined data of all indicators and a subset with the main indicators computed from various sections of the SL Household module
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Porto Ceu, Rio Jaguaribe, Brazil
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Manguinho, Rio Jaguaribe, Brazil
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Manguezal Cauassu, Rio Acarau', Brazil
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Cumbe Norte Camarao, Brazil
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Porto Ceu Tanque, Rio Jaguaribe, Brazil
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Quatros Bocas, Rio Acarau', Brazil
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Rego Oscuro, Rio Jaguaribe, Brazil
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Cauassu Leste Shrimp, Brazil
The dataset of soil physicochemical properties collected from mangrove forests in Cauassu Oeste Shrimp, Brazil

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