The first Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) in 2013 succeeded in introducing the landscapes approach to more than 1,200 climate and development policy makers. By focusing on breaking the silos between land use sectors, the Forum brought together more than 60 international organizations working in forestry, agriculture, mountains and watershed management, land use planning and human development.
FTA has supported the GLF since inception and FTA partners have been key actors throughout the years, hosting discussion forums and side events as well as sharing information and advocating in their communities of practice. More and more partners outside of the research arena were encouraged to collaborate and bring in their issues and solutions: governments, business, civil society and development agencies. Many CGIAR Centers outside of FTA (e.g. ILRI, IFPRI, CIP), and Research Programs (CCAFS, WLE) participated in the GLF to drive home their message of integrated solutions to issues such as deforestation, global warming, sustainable and inclusive value chains, food security, water, indigenous people’s rights, gender and a greener economy.
Today, the GLF has become the world’s largest and only science-led multi-sectoral platform designed to produce and disseminate knowledge and accelerate action for more resilient, climate friendly, diverse, equitable and productive landscapes. More than 6,000 participants attended the various GLF events that were followed by hundreds of thousands online.