In 2017, Tropenbos International (TBI) will start working as a managing partner of the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA). TBI was invited to become a partner as a boundary organization with the special responsibility to link the high-level research from FTA research with policy making at the national level and practice at the landscape level.
Who is Tropenbos International:
Tropenbos International is an international non-governmental and non-profit organization based in the Netherlands. We aim to improve the management and the protection of forest for the benefit of local inhabitants and for sustainable development in the tropics.
By making knowledge work for forests and people, Tropenbos International contributes to well-informed decision making so that tropical forests are better managed. Its longstanding local presence and ability to bring together local, national and international partners make Tropenbos International a trusted partner in sustainable development.

What does Tropenbos International:
TBI positions itself as a boundary organization and knowledge broker. It links policy with knowledge, policy makers with corporate and community practitioners, and northern with southern actors and agendas. TBI’s theory of change emphasizes the role of evidence-based multi-stakeholder dialogue in putting knowledge to good use for sustainable and equitable governance and management of forested landscapes in the global South.
TBI’s contribution to FTA:
TBI specializes in building bridges, creating spaces for dialogue between policy makers, local businesses, civil society organizations and scientists in order to support the uptake of the cutting-edge research of FTA.
This applies especially for flagship 3: Sustainable value chains and investments for supporting forest conservation and equitable development and flagship 4: Landscapes dynamics, productivity and resilience.
TBI will contribute to FTA by articulating the needs, wishes and demands from a wide range of actors at the national level. These questions, when channeled to FTA, will help in shaping FTA research agendas that respond to the country needs and that research results have an impact at national and local level.