eDialogue: Scaling of innovative finance for sustainable landscapes

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FTA communications


FTACIFORTBI and GLF, invite you to participate in an e-Dialogue on the draft of the paper “Scaling of innovative finance for sustainable landscapes”.

The online open consultative process was originally scheduled to last 2 weeks from 4-18 November.

We are now announcing a last extension to allow participants of the recent Session on Innovative Finance at GLF Luxembourg to continue the incredibly rich discussions on this paper and on context-specific case studies. The eDialogue is now running until…

15th December 2019!

The aim of the online dialogue is to identify further research needs and formulate recommendations that in the medium to long term can lead to upscaling finance for sustainable and inclusive landscapes.

A White Paper, in preparation of the GLF Finance Event in Luxembourg has also been developed, summarizing the main content of the draft study.

We look forward to your participation!

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The Forest, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) program of the CGIAR aims to contribute to reducing poverty, ensuring food and nutrition security for all, addressing climate change, protecting natural resources and ecosystem services, and achieving sustainable production and consumption by enhancing the role of forests, trees and agroforestry systems in addressing these challenges. FTA considers the landscape the spatial unit appropriate to study the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in addressing the above challenges, recognizing that sustainability of landscapes depends on seeking a balance between different land uses, which achieves maximum synergies and minimizes trade-offs. Understanding how to increase investments in sustainable land uses in such landscapes, and improving their social and environmental impacts, is one of the priorities of the FTA program.

For this purpose, FTA has started with its partners CIFOR and Tropenbos International (TBI), and in collaboration with the Global Landscape Forum, a consultative process to identify the main constraints and possible solutions to upscaling finance for sustainable landscapes. As part of this process, a series of interviews have been published (https://www.foreststreesagroforestry.org/publications/research-publication/?title=Summary-and-discussion–Inclusive-finance-interviews&id=86115366) and their outcomes discussed in a digital summit in which MIROVA, EcoTrust and FAO participated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfjqJ79xuOI.

In addition, a literature study was performed on the documented experiences in finance for sustainable landscapes. These are incorporated into one draft document, which is being made available for public consultation.

In this this document, FTA, CIFOR and Tropenbos International explore the barriers for finance to reach rural smallholders and SMEs as well as to contribute to greater sustainability and climate resilience in rural landscapes in low and middle-income countries. It describes how funds flows into landscapes, identifies the barriers for this finance to reach smallholders, SMEs and communities within those landscapes, and what additional conditions that may influence the positive impacts that finance that has flown into the landscape will achieve. The authors then discuss three innovations that are aimed at transforming conventional finance flows with many undesired environmental and social effects, into finance flows with increasingly better social and environmental impacts. And finally, they ask the question of whether these innovations can address the issues that hamper scaling up of finance for sustainable landscapes


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