FTA researchers to present achievements at Asia Pacific Forestry Week

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The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) will present key achievements at the FAO Asia Pacific Forestry Week 22-26 February in the Philippines.

FTA scientists will hold a discussion forum titled The research agenda for forested landscapes in 2017-2022: partnership opportunitiesThe event is linked to the event stream Our green future – green investment and growing our natural assets.

Participants will have the opportunity to give feedback to the proposal for the next phase of FTA research which is more closely aligned with the Sustainable Devleopment Goals and is just being finalized

The discussion is planned to take place in the evening of Thursday, 25 February, 9pm. Stay tuned to find out about the exact timing and location or contact Meine van Noordwijk at M.vanNoordwijk@cgiar.org

Tentative program (90 minutes):

  • Meine van Noordwijk, Program Leader in FTA: the FTA research program in the global development landscape — the top 20 questions in forestry
  • Christopher Martius, Program Leader in FTA: the FTA work program 2017-2020 — options for engagement
  • Breakout into workgroup sessions: What are the research questions in forestry for the next 6 years?
  • Plenary: report back from workgroups and discussion “How can participants engage with the FTA program?”

Three of the six FTA partners, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Bioversity International, are co-convening the event.

Also see CIFOR’s program at Asia Pacific Forestry Week


FTA is working in Asia, Africa and Latin America, from the ‘tree’ to the ‘global’ scale, combining many disciplines and tackling various issues.

The program benefits from long-term connections with selected landscapes, but also works at the national scale. Researchers are striving to understand the different roles forests and all trees play for ecologies, economies and societies.

Impact-driven and innovative, FTA seeks to enhance the management and use of forests, agroforestry and tree genetic resources across the landscape.

The existing cooperation with academic, government, non-governmental and private sector partners is valued and the six FTA centers are keen to explore new partnerships for the second phase.

FTA responds to the urgent need for a strong and sustained research focus on forest management and governance, because of the crucial role forests play in confronting some of the most important challenges of our time: climate change, poverty, and food insecurity.

The partnership within in the CGIAR has now completed its first phase of research on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry: Livelihoods, Landscapes and Governance.

The research outcomes from this work are already influencing policy-makers and practitioners, for example in designing Payment for Ecosystem Services schemes and in increasing crop yields.


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