Farm-forest policy interface

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Farm-forest policy interface

FTA research in agroforestry in East Africa and Southeast Asia has led to unprecedented opportunities to work with governments to scale-up adoption nationally. New initiatives on the forest-farm policy interface in West Africa are breaking new ground in linking the needs of smallholder farmers to local and national policy processes.

This priority will seek to better understand policy constraints at the farm-forest interface and embed FTA-developed methods, approaches, tools and technologies at the heart of major national agroforestry scaling-up programs in Ethiopia, Indonesia, Peru, Rwanda, Uganda and Vietnam. In Ethiopia, the Minister of Agriculture invited FTA to assist the government in establishing an interministerial national agroforestry scaling up platform with a delivery unit set up in the ministry.

National and provincial governments in Vietnam and Indonesia are involved in the second phase of research for the Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research (ACIAR)-funded AFLi and Kanoppi bilateral projects. Policy engagement in Peru is leading to changes in forest regulations. In Rwanda, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invited FTA scientists to assist in advising the government on a national agroforestry strategy and policy. In Uganda, FTA scientists are engaged in a parliamentary process to develop a national agroforestry policy and strategy that was initiated in mid-2017, brokered by the Uganda National Farmers Federation.

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